PowerTeacher with Web Grade Book Semester Classes School Year August 2012
URL is /teachers or /teachers Key in the username and password Username: Password: Your username is your lastname and first initial and your password is your first and last initial followed by the last 4 of your ssn. Click Sign In This is a VERY abbreviated version of the webgradebook instructions.
The first thing I want you to do is to change your password ONLY if you wish to do so. Click on Personalize You will see 3 options: 1) Change password and 2) default student screen. I have set everyone’s default student screen to quicklookup. 3) Display Section Number All are self- explanatory. If you have questions, let me know.
There are many things you can do in PowerTeacher, most of which I will let you figure out for yourself. Attendance Student Info Print Reports Green Dot Attendance: Each period after you take attendance, the dot will change to green. This is a daily feature.
This instruction sheet is going to show you how to launch web gradebook. Click on the gradebook icon, then Launch gradebook OR Just click the little blue arrow
You have access to a web tutorial. The link is at the bottom of this page. If you are interested in this online training, contact Nino at THIS TUTORIAL IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL!!! Launch Gradebook Instantly launches gradebook.
Here is what you will see in the wgb. Classes Student Groups Categories Scoresheet Assignments Students Info Grade Setup Class Content Reports Menu bar at top The gradebook launch will take a few seconds. When you launch it for the first time, it may ask a few questions. Just go ahead and default all the questions and let it do it’s thing
Look at the top menu bar File – Save – Revert – Refresh Class Info – Lock Gradebook - Exit Edit – Cut – Copy – Paste View – Scoresheet – Assignments – Student Info – Grade Setup – Class Info – Reports Tools – Check Spelling - Categories – Score Inspector – Fill Scores – Import Scores Recalculate Final Scores - Copy Assignments – Export Scores Template Birthdays – Copy Final Grade Setup - Preferences Window – New Window Help - Contents – Quick Entry Tips – What every teacher should know - About Notes: Categories are global. If you create one, it is available for all classes. If you edit one, it is changed for all, and if you delete one it is deleted for all. Everything in View is also on the button bar Grade Scales are now under Grade Setup – Grade Scale Mode. If there is a grade scale issue, I have to fix it in Powerschool. Please me with necessary changes or suggestions.
Look at Class Content - Class Info This is the class description that parents will see on the web portal. This description may be very broad or very detailed. You may leave this blank if you wish. The School Content and My Content is new. You may delve into that with the help menu if you wish. Just click the Question Mark to the right. It will bring up online help. While you are looking at the Scoresheet tab, notice that you have several filtering options. These will come in handy later Reporting Term Modes: Assignment Mode Final Grade Mode Student View
Categories Your options are Create (+) Delete (-) Filter Edit (click on) Points possible default Score type default Publish assignment info You may put in a category description Remember, anything that you do to a category in ANY class, changes it for ALL classes (delete, add, edit)
Grade Setup: Total points, Term weights or Category weights Grade Setup – Calculations Mode for Semester Classes
Please pay VERY CLOSE attention to the term dates. These are the beginning and ending dates of your terms. All assignments must fall into that date range for the corresponding term. E1 is the term that most people neglect to check. For S1 Term, choose Term Weights, 40% for each Q1 and Q2 terms and 20 for E1 (same for semester 2). For your Quarter grade setup, use total points (default) or Category Weights. Grade Setup Term Dates
Click on the Assignments Tab Create Assignments (+) sign to add (-) sign to delete ALWAYS CHECK YOUR REPORTING TERM!!!
Name, abbreviation, category, score type (default from category chosen), points possible (default from category chosen), extra points possible, date due and description. You may give a DETAILED description of each assignment. This can include html code and links to websites that are helpful for this assignment. Click on Publish -You have the option of telling it when to publish the assignment to the web.
Scoresheet To put student grades in for each assignment just click on the proper window. Right click to get score inspector and other options When complete, click save If you click the summary, you will get mean, median, and mode scores Click the plus sign you can add assignments from this page. Be sure to ALWAYS check your Reporting Term!!!
Scoresheet If you right click on the assignment name, you will get a menu to Show Details Copy Assignment Delete Assignment Fill Scores Import Scores Clear Scores Export Score Template
Student Groups Click the plus sign to “Add a Group Set”. Name the Group Set. To edit the set and group names, right click on the name. To add students to the group, just click and drag from the Students tab over to the group you want them in. You cannot add students to a group set, only to a group.
Once you have groups, you can print reports for only those groups selected from the Criteria screen An example of Group Set would be “Gender” then you would have 2 groups in the set “Female” and “Male”.
To delete a group or set, just highlight the group or set and click the minus sign.
REPORTS: The reports option is an entire training session all it’s own. I am going to let you teach yourself the value of each report and learn which ones you can use or not. The reports menu in PowerTeacher Gradebook deals only with information in the gradebook. The next couple of pages will show you a tiny bit of information on how to use the reports. It is important to understand that the Criteria is different for each report. You must read the screen carefully and choose only those options that you wish to see. If you run an attendance grid, I suggest that you include a Top Note (from Layout) that includes the period number. To do this, you will have to run the report from each class individually.
As you can see, there are several different reports available to you. Reports in the gradebook are NOT customizable, but you do have a few options in each in the Criteria and Layout tabs. Click on Student Roster
In the Criteria tab you can select several different fields to show on your report as well as create several blank columns.
In the Layout tab, you can change the report title, include a top and/or bottom note and signature line Click Run Report. You can open the report immediately, or save it for later. If you save it, you control where it is saved. Just know where you put it.
The document will open in Adobe, or you may save it to your documents folder to open later.