Passé composé
Select A, B, or C How many parts does the passé composé have?
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Select A, B, or C What is the first part of the passé composé called? participle Helping verb Past verb helping Quick-2
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Select A, B, or C What is the second part of the passé composé called? participle past verb past participating past verb Quick-3
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Select A, B, or C What is the helping verb? alleravoirfaire Quick-4
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Select A, B, or C How do you form the past participle for an –er verb? and add i Take off the -er and add é Take off the –er and add ê Take off the -er Quick-5
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Quick-6 Select A, B, or C How do you form the past participle for an –ir verb? and add u Take off the ir and add it Take off the ir and add i Take off the ir
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Select A, B, or C How do you form the past participle for an –re verb? and add i Take off the re and add ru Take off the re and add u Take off the re Quick-7
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Select A, B, or C What is the past participle for avoir, prendre, and voir? pris vu eu prendu vu eu pris avoi voi Quick-8
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Select A, B, or C What are the past participles for recevoir, faire, and être? fais été reçu fait été reçu fais recevu êté Quick-9
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Select A, B, or C How do you say, “She did” en français? Elle as faitElle a faitElle a fais Quick-10
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