Comments from Around the World Northwest/CapNortheast Southwest Pacific East & Europe Southeast (Mouse-over a title to view comments ) Mediation participants from around the world give feedback to the DON ADR Program. Follow links below to see what people near you say about mediation. End Show
Comments from Northwest/Cap Northwest/Cap (Mouse-over the map to return) “It was a great opportunity to hear the concerns of the staff. This will give us a place to start anew. Great Job by Mediators!!!” “The process opened my eyes to how others view/ see my actions. It helped me to be more objective and aware of my effect on other employees.” “This was the right option for our situation at this time. The program could use some visibility - my problem got petty bad before I found out that it existed for non-union employees. … Learned a lot though, and will recommend to others. Thanks for helping.” “Mediator was skillful and articulate. He was awesome.”
Comments from Southwest Southwest (Mouse-over the map to return) “This was a very professional environment. I felt comfortable discussing my issue. I was also very satisfied with outcome. I feel it opened a communication line between me and my supervisor. Thank you for the assistance.” “I must say mediation works.” “I think this was a positive step toward a better understanding between my supervisor and myself and I would like to thank the mediator for his time and help in resolving our issues. “Excellent process - the communication will improve the work environment.” “The mediator made us comfortable during the entire process. Very professionally conducted. I am very satisfied with the outcome of this mediation.”
Comments from Pacific Pacific (Mouse-over the map to return) “I went into mediation with very low expectations of what could be achieved through this process, especially given the long-standing nature of this dispute. I came out of mediation with a great deal of respect for the process. The mediator was superb.” “I think the process was very progressive. It allow everyone to calmly, candidly express ideas and reach a win-win situation.” “Very open and helpful to have [the mediators]. Not sure all was solved but progress was made to get there.” “[This] process will help. I agree with the process.”
Comments from Northeast Northeast (Mouse-over the map to return) “This mediation was well worth it. It brought to light some issues that were not previously seen.” The mediators did an excellent job overall. I am pleased the command selected the mediation alternative. “I was pleased with the outcome and have a new respect for the process.”
Comments from East & Europe East & Europe (Mouse-over the map to return) “Coming to mediation has truly been a blessing. I greatly appreciate everything that was done and said during the process.” “I believe in this instance the outcome will be amenable and ‘fair’ in the true sense to all.” “Made an unfortunate, uncomfortable situation ‘easier’ to address. Well done.” “This was my first mediation (ADR) as a mgmt rep. and I am leaving today with a very different outlook regarding the ADR process. My experience today has been very positive!!” “This was my first mediation process and the mediator made all the difference. I went from apprehensive to very comfortable throughout the process.” “This process is probably one of the best improvements in the system to improve government supervisor/employee relationships.”
Comments from Southeast Southeast (Mouse-over the map to return) “Thanks for everything. I can sleep better at night.” “The mediation process worked well for me. Everything was kept very professional and confidential. I believe this process has helped my situation and am glad I decided to take this route.” “This process was helpful to find common ground and resolve issues larger than his specific issues.” “Even though there was no resolution, I feel I was heard. That meant a lot.” “Even through we could not reach resolution, I would recommend mediation. The process is a great idea, brings all issues to table, and provides a safe forum to bring any conflict to the table.”