2/12/15 Starter: 2/12/ Practice : Notes over classification Glue here when done Classification Application: Color Mini poster over 6 Kingdoms Glue here when done Connection: Classification Questions Exit: What are the three domains that all organisms are classified? How do you think organisms are classified?
1. Starter 2. Notes 3. Poster 4. Questions 5. Exit
1/23 Characteristics of Living things /26 Levels of Organization /27 Unicellular Microscopy /28 Is it living? /29 Cell Theory Notes /30 Cell Notes /2 Plant/Animal Cell Comparison /3-4 Organelle Trail Research and Poster /5 Cell State /6 Cell Comparison Booklet /10 Mitosis Poster /11 Mitosis Sort and Review /12 Test Review /17 Classification Table of Contents
Do you collect baseball cards, coins, or CDs? Then you probably have a way to organize them to find them easier. Scientists have a system for keeping track on the millions of different organisms that live on Earth.
Scientists classify, or organize, them into groups based on similar characteristics. Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Domain Eukarya ArchaebacteriaEubacteria FungiProtista PlantaeAnimalia
The Greek philosopher Aristotle was the first person known to classify living things scientifically. Living things were classified as animals or plants.
Nearly two thousand years later, the Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus created a different classification system. He grouped animals and plants based on similarities in their structures. (ex. Backbone or not) Linnaeus’ system has changed over time because we continue to learn about more organisms.
When scientists are classifying organisms they categorize them into groups called taxons. Organisms within a taxonomic group share similar characteristics which allow them to interact within the ecosystem in which they live.
In the system today, groups that have the largest number of different organisms are called domains. There are three domains: 1. Archaea (archaebacteria) –the oldest and simplest organisms on earth 2. Bacteria (eubacteria) - more complex than archaea 3. Eukarya (eukaryotes)- most complex organisms
Domains are broken down into smaller levels called kingdoms. These include: Archaea(thermophiles-live in extreme heat) Bacteria (Staphylococcus – responsible for staph infections) Protista(blue-green algae) Plantae (flowering plants) Fungi (mushrooms) Animalia (insects)
2/12/15 Starter: 2/12/ Practice : Notes over classification Glue here when done Classification Application: Color Mini poster over 6 Kingdoms Glue here when done Connection: Classification Questions Exit: What are the three domains that all organisms are classified? How do you think organisms are classified?