Supporting Are we ready? REFEDS, Oct 2013 Ann Harding


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting Are we ready? REFEDS, Oct 2013 Ann Harding

© 2013 SWITCH About SWITCHaai Why is supporting (cross-border) VOs important to us? What do we do to help? eduGAIN/Interfederation options Next steps Discussion Do other federations have a VO support strategy? What can federations do? What should others do? Agenda 2

© 2013 SWITCH Status Operational since August 2005 # of IdPs 53 Enabled end users 370'000 (98% of all persons in Swiss higher education) # of SPs 759 # of logins ~17.8 Mio (Mar Feb 2013) Operate VHO Platform for SPs to add AAI a/cs for users SWITCHaai Profile 3

© 2013 SWITCH SWITCH, as part of the Swiss R&E community makes researchers, teachers and students globally successful through extensive networking and pioneering ICT services. SWITCHaai will be further developed at national and international level SWITCH leads GN3plus SA5 to establish successful collaborations with at least 2 scientific communities SWITCH Strategy 4

© 2013 SWITCH Implications for SWITCHaai Which do we support? What are the conditions? What are the implications? SA5 - for research projects the following three options how to add services to eduGAIN were identified Option A: Add services via an existing federation Option B: Create own federation Option C: Join via a Hub or Proxy Supporting VOs using eduGAIN 5

© 2013 SWITCH Option A: Add services via an existing federation 6

© 2013 SWITCH Option B: Create own Federation 7

© 2013 SWITCH Option C: Join via a hub or proxy 8

© 2013 SWITCH A SWITCHaai Participant has a key role in a VO They can decide to take the responsibility for the VO’s IdP and SP services They vouch for them towards the SWITCHaai Federation SWITCHaai advises the participant to review the user administration and personal data handling processes implemented in the VO and judge the risks SWITCHaai using our experience with Umbrella to update our documentation and clarify this variant so that it becomes business as usual. Special considerations for Hub/Proxy 9

© 2013 SWITCH What is the position of other Federations? Can you support all 3 options “out of the box? Do you want to? How easy is it to add an IdP to your federation? Do your federation members have good links with VOs? What can you do to help them support VOs in their organisations? Discussion 10