ACPS & City of Alexandria 1
Long Range Educational Facilities Plan to improve facilities planning, accommodate the growing student population, and enhance educational programs and services. Enrollment up 2,600 since Background
What’s happening now: ◦ Beginning in 2007, ACPS enrollment has increased by 2,589 students (24.6%). ◦ Most growth so far: elementary schools ◦ Middle schools seeing increases now ◦ High school impacts expected in 2017 Latest growth follows years of declining enrollment Also happening in Arlington, Fairfax and Montgomery Counties 3
19 member Work Group jointly created by ACPS and City Leadership months timeline 4 Plan Goal Updatable Elements Feed into City Planning Process Capital Funding Community Engagement
Collaboration with City staff, ACPS, and external partners More robust analysis of space utilization and capacity Assessment of feasibility for adding capacity at existing sites Short and long -term recommendations for inclusion in the City’s 10 year CIP Incorporate growth forecasts and infrastructure needs into City’s planning process 5
Better understanding of current and future enrollment and capacity challenges Updated middle and K-5 educational specifications Solutions for ACPS capacity problems Shared understanding of ACPS budget needs and priorities. Identification of future school sites/locations including satellite school sites. Shared understanding of the “school of the future” 6
7 SubcommitteeOverview Subcommittee Overview
Representation From: School Board City Council Campagna Center PTA Council Regional Demographer Park and Recreation Commission Alexandria Economic Development Partnership Citizens At-Large 8
Role of the Work Group: Review and advise on the work being done to develop a joint long-range educational facilities plan. Meet Quarterly Responsibilities To define ACPS short, medium, and long-term facilities’ needs and to subsequently identify solutions To articulate a vision of future APS facilities to serve students, parents, staff and community through the 22 nd century To serve as a representative of ACPS and its facilities’ needs at City of Alexandria small area plan meetings, with City Council, and with City of Alexandria Civic Associations. 9
10 SubcommitteeOverview Subcommittee Overview
Role of the Enrollment Forecasting/Demographics Subcommittee: ◦ Review the details of the forecasting elements ◦ Collaborate on the development of a short term and long term enrollment forecast ◦ Report results to the LREFP workgroup 11
Role of the Facilities Subcommittee: ◦ Assess existing conditions ◦ Review existing capacity analysis methodology and recommend modifications ◦ Review how existing capacity is allocated to meet current demand ◦ Establish guidelines for adding capacity, supporting education, reflecting including capital and operating costs & issues ◦ Identify potential school site types ◦ Report results to the LREFP workgroup 13
Role of the Education Specifications/School of the Future Subcommittee: ◦ Recommend future educational specifications for elementary and middle school levels ◦ Report results to the LREFP workgroup 15
Role of the Student Assignment: ◦ Goals- Identify priority objectives for student assignment Develop recommendations for a school assignment methodology Topic for report on October 17 th School Board meeting 17