Tag Der Einheit- October 3 rd: A day reserved for national for unity. Day of Repentance- November 18: the German was named “ Bus and Betagg” Tag der Arbeiter – May 1 st : Labor Day Weihnachten- December 25 th : German name for Christmas Fronleichnam- 60 days After Easter
Germany’s major industry is an area of coal mines and steel mills along the Ruhr River in North Rhine- Westphalia; Bremen and Hamburg, have huge shipbuilding yards; Bavaria in the south, where many plants for the manufacture of automobiles and stereo equipment are located; and Dresden, which has power plant and a growing electronic industry.
Germany’s natural resources are iron ore, coal, potash, timber, lignite, uranium, copper, natural gas, salt, nickel, arable. They're the world producer of brown coal. hydroelectricity is very important.
70% claim Christianity - primarily Catholicism then Lutheranism, followed by Muslims at 4%.