THE MELTING POT: a global immigration convention You & 1 or 2 other students will represent 1 of the dominant immigrant ethnicities during the era of the early 20 th century in which countries from all over the world came to make new lives for themselves in America. You’ll need to turn in A: YOUR FLYER & B: YOUR RECIPE by Thursday 2/7 so I can make double-sided class copies for everyone. Both A & B must each be 1-sided. Make the recipe large enough to read clearly! We will have our 1 st Cultural Experience Friday, 2/8. We’ll set up the room as a global convention where you can see, touch, taste & experience cultures of the world. Your group is responsible for the following: - As a group, create ONE SINGLE-SIDED “FLYER” that provides a glimpse of your country. You must cover each requirement including location on a small world map. Explanations are in dotted boxes on the template – you’ll want to delete those from your version. Use my model as a template for your own country of emigration (back). You can find the template on my website. -As a group, create & bring to class ONE DISH or FOOD PLATTER that is specific in origin to your assigned country. Do not make something that requires refrigeration or a lot of maintenance. Do not use nuts ( food allergies ). You must include the recipe. Don’t forget to include a photo of the end result. Choose wisely – you’ll need to make enough for 30 people to sample! 1: 2:
Welcome to: NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY Names Pinpoint your country How to say HELLO: How to say GOODBYE: If you say hello/ goodbye or speak the same way the U.S. does, explain WHY we speak the same language in this circle instead Use this area to provide 3 translations from the language of your country into English. You can translate 3 common phrases or 3 common sentences. You may not simply translate 3 words Include 1 photo of a TRADITIONAL OUTFIT that would indicate a period piece from your country 1. Cultural tradition/ custom 3. Cultural tradition/ custom 5. Cultural tradition/ custom 2. Cultural tradition/ custom 4. Cultural tradition/ custom
An Authentic Meal From: NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY Include a photo of your food choice