Total quantity of message delivery into the users browsers Total quantity of mouse/pad clicks on delivered messages Expected to be done actions from users, after seeing the message (Buy, Answer to a questionnaire, Register) Click through rate (number of clicks divided on delivered impressions) Action through rate (number of actions performed on delivered impressions) Cost per mille (from Latin – thousands) – cost for Impressions Cost per click (budget divided to total clicks volume) Cost per action (budget divided to total obtained actions)
The first index to show the necessary inventory to reach the audience Permits to estimate the potential feedback in sales/actions Shows the efficiency of certain Web Site, Message, or Campaign Cost index, permits to understand how much we will pay for needed inventory
5 What is AFF? Web site audience Audience Base audience – All, years Volume – Target audience – All, years, Urban Volume – AFF calculation 0,55 / 0,46=120 Target audience has a better preference then Base audience
Real web sites traffic monitoring and reach estimation Track different target audience preference (AFF) and time spent All Moldova traffic monitoring Web sites potential RCH% and preference among target audience Multimedia RCH% simulation (TV+Radio+specific web sites) First problem – study done by interviews and per half year Main problem – tracks only web sites in the panel Second problem – questionnaire done only for Urban population
Source: Gemius December 2012; TNS MMI 2012/2; Target Audience: 18-24
Audience migration by web sites decrease increase Real time changes in users preference In combination with post campaign reporting tool Target group that was reached by your campaign? Which web site brought most of your target audience? How different target groups reacted at different banners?
9 CTR%? Clicks? Impressions? Actions? Target audience? Message? Marketing tasks?
Banner ads (Standart & Rich)VideoTextual Advertising (SEM) Pay per impressions Rent for a period Pay per click – only for GDN Pay per impressions Pay per views – only for GDN Pay per click (CPC) GDN: Google Display Network
Average CPM = 0,5 € – 1,00 € Average CTR% = 0,1% - 0,5% Pay per Impressions
Average CPM = 1,8 € – 2,00 € Average CTR% = 1,0% - 5,0% Pay per Impressions
Average CPC = 0,10 € – 0,50 € Average CTR% = 0,15% - 0,30% Pay per click GDN: Google Display Network
Pay per views/ impressions Average CPM = 5,00 € – 30,00 € Average CTR% = 5,0% - 15,0%
Average CPC = 0,10 € – 0,50 € Average CTR % = 2,00% - 5,00% Pay per click ( Cost per click)
Impressions – CTR % – 0,10% Clicks – CPC – 0,4 € Impressions – CTR % – 0,90% Clicks – CPC – 0,17 € Impressions – CTR % – 0,10% Clicks – CPC – 0,1 € AWARENESS increasePREFERENCE increase SPECIAL OFFERS and SALES promotion Campaign: Total Budget €. Analyzing results: Standard banner adRich Media banner Paid announcements (SEM) In order to influence all the above indicators, it’s best to use a mix of all forms of Internet advertising
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