Examples of Simulations with the Latest Version of the RegCM Jeremy Pal A Little taste of the RegCM
Examples of Simulations ► Europe ► East Asia Simulation of the Monsoon ► West Africa Simulation of the Monsoon Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption ► North America Prediction of the 1993 Flood and 1988 Drought Sensitivity to the Boundary Conditions Sensitivity to the Initial Conditions ► Atmospheric Initial Conditions ► Soil Moisture Initial Conditions Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption
Examples of Simulations ► Europe ► East Asia Simulation of the Monsoon ► West Africa Simulation of the Monsoon Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption ► North America Prediction of the 1993 Flood and 1988 Drought Sensitivity to the Boundary Conditions Sensitivity to the Initial Conditions ► Atmospheric Initial Conditions ► Soil Moisture Initial Conditions Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption
Simulations over Europe ► Lambert Conformal Map Projection 88 North-South 115 East-West 18 Vertical Levels 60-km ► October 1994 thru August 1995 Landuse and Elevation
DJF Precipitation: RegCM JJA Precipitation: RegCM JJA Precipitation: CRU Obs DJF Precipitation: CRU Obs
DJF Temperature: RegCM JJA Temperature: RegCM JJA Temperature: CRU Obs DJF Temperature: CRU Obs
Examples of Simulations ► Europe ► East Asia Simulation of the Monsoon ► West Africa Simulation of the Monsoon Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption ► North America Prediction of the 1993 Flood and 1988 Drought Sensitivity to the Boundary Conditions Sensitivity to the Initial Conditions ► Atmospheric Initial Conditions ► Soil Moisture Initial Conditions Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption
East Asia Monsoon ► Lambert Confomal Map Projection 80 North-South 103 East-West 18 Vertical Levels 60-km ► June 1994 thru August 1995 Landuse and Elevation
JJA Precip RegCM CRU Obs DJF Precip CRU Obs DJF Precip RegCM
Precipitation over East Asia: Sept 1994 thru August 1995 CRU Obs RegCM
Examples of Simulations ► Europe ► East Asia Simulation of the Monsoon ► West Africa Simulation of the Monsoon Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption ► North America Prediction of the 1993 Flood and 1988 Drought Sensitivity to the Boundary Conditions Sensitivity to the Initial Conditions ► Atmospheric Initial Conditions ► Soil Moisture Initial Conditions Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption
West African Monsoon ► Mercator Map Projection 80 North-South 121 East-West 18 Vertical Levels 55-km ► 25 May thru 1 September 1996 Landuse and Elevation
West African Monsoon: JJA 1996 Precipitation RegCM-FC80 CRU Obs RegCM-AS74
RegCM-FC80 CRU Obs RegCM-AS74 West African Monsoon: JJA 1996 Temperature
Examples of Simulations ► Europe ► East Asia Simulation of the Monsoon ► West Africa Simulation of the Monsoon Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption ► North America Prediction of the 1993 Flood and 1988 Drought Sensitivity to the Boundary Conditions Sensitivity to the Initial Conditions ► Atmospheric Initial Conditions ► Soil Moisture Initial Conditions Sensitivity to the Convective Closure Assumption
North American Flood and Drought ► Rotated Mercator Map Projection 80 North-South 129 East-West 18 Vertical Levels 56-km ► 25 June thru 1 August 1988 and 1993 Landuse and Elevation
Prediction of Flood and Drought ► Importance…. Water resources management Cropping strategies Saving human lives Saving $$$ Fire prevention 1988 Great North American Drought Driest & warmest since ,000 deaths $30 billion in Agricultural Damage 1993 Midwest Flood Record high rainfall Thousands homeless; 48 deaths $15-20 billion in Damage
Prediction of Flood and Drought July 1993 CRU Observations June 1988 CRU Observations Driest & warmest since ,000 deaths $30 billion in Agricultural Damage Record high rainfall Thousands homeless; 48 deaths $15-20 billion in Damage
July 1993: RegCM July 1993: CRU Obs June 1988: RegCM June 1988: CRU Obs
Sensitivity to Convective Closure RegCM: ECMWF-FC80 RegCM: ECMWF-AS74 CRU Observations
Sensitivity to Atmospheric Initial Conditions RegCM: ECMWF-IC+1 RegCM: ECMWF-IC+0 CRU Observations
Sensitivity to Soil Moisture Initial Conditions: July 1993 Precipitation RegCM: WET SM (East N.A.) RegCM: NORM SM CRU Observations
Sensitivity to Soil Moisture Initial Conditions: July 1993 Temperature RegCM: WET SM (East N.A.) RegCM: NORM SM CRU Observations
Sensitivity to Soil Moisture Initial Conditions: June 1988 Precipitation RegCM: DRY SM RegCM: NORM SM CRU Observations
Sensitivity to Soil Moisture Initial Conditions: June 1988 Temperature RegCM: DRY SM RegCM: NORM SM CRU Observations
Sensitivity to Boundary Conditions RegCM: ECMWF RegCM: NCEP CRU Observations