Primary Survey (D,R,C,A©,B,C?) Help organised Dealt with life-threatening conditions
What happened to our Pt, and how bad are they? Observations (vital signs) Disability – level of response Expose / Examine History Symptoms (how they feel) Signs (what you find) SAMPLE
Response Breathing Pulse Blood Pressure Temperature Oxygen saturation Why? How sick are they? They getting worse or better? Do lots, pass onto HCP
Rate Depth (shallow?) Ease (difficulty breathing?) Noise (what noises?) Smell Think about why the breathing is as it is
Felt where arteries close to the surface In kids, brachial pulse Looking at: ◦ Rate (what do we expect?) ◦ Strength ◦ Rhythm Take one! Take it early! What affects pulse?
Can we get an idea of what the blood pressure is? Make a record of how it changes
Can we get an idea of body temperature? Skin! Keep Pt warm
Level of response Change in level of response AVPU If Alert, how alert? Oriented? GCS? When?
Properly expose!! BUT.. Remember: ◦ Pt comfort (hypothermia!) ◦ Modesty Male / female FA?
AMPLE What happened? Sources of info? ◦ Patient? ◦ Bystanders ◦ Scene Mechanism of injury L.O.C Have they moved?
Allergies ◦ Especially to drugs Medications ◦ Clue to what’s wrong? ◦ Been taking em? Past medical history ◦ Relevant? Last meal & drink ◦ Inc. alcohol & drugs But…What if they can’t talk to you??
What the patient feels Ask as much as possible! Chief complaint? Characteristics of pain Other symptoms (L.O.C, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, hunger, confusion, visual disturbances, pins and needles, numbness, weakness, sensations etc…) Negatives!
O,P,Q,R,S,T Onset Provocation (what makes it worse) Quality Radiation (location + where does it go) Severity (0-10) Timing
What you find ◦ Look ◦ Feel ◦ Move ◦ Smell ◦ Listen Bad Stuff: bleeding, fluids, swelling, discoloration, deformity, warmth, crepitus… Compare both sides!