Native American Tribes By : Hoyt
The Inuit Tribe SHELTER CLIMATE/REGION CLOTHING FOOD The Inuit tribe lives in the arctic where the climate is very cold and snowy. The Inuit ate fish ,seals ,whales ,and caribou. The Inuit wore parkas, boots and goggle’s made out of wood and animal fur. The Inuit lived in igloos and tupiks.
The Kwakiutl Tribe CLIMATE/REGION FOOD CLOTHING SHELTER The Kwakiutl tribe lives in the arctic tundra where it is cold and icy. The Kwakiutl tribe ate salmon other fish beries and nuts. The Kwakiutl tribe used cedar wood to make large houses. The Kwakiutl tribe used cedar bark to make clothes.
The Nez Perce Tribe CLIMATE/REGION FOOD CLOTHES SHELTER The Nez Perce tribe lived in the Great Basin where it is hot and rocky. The Nez Perce tribe ate berries roots nuts salmon elk deer bison and buffalo. The Nez Perce tribe wears clothes made out of animal skin. The Nez Perce tribe lives in earth loges and tipis.
The Hopi Tribe CLIMATE/REGION FOOD CLOTHES SHELTER The Hopi tribe lives in the southwest part of the united states where it is hot and dry. The Hopi tribe ate corn beans squash. The Hopi used cotton to make there clothes. The Hopi built houses out of mud and rocks.
The Pawnee Tribe CLIMATE/ REGION FOOD CLOTHES SHELTER They wore tuniks buckskin and breech cloth. They live in the Great Plains where it is hot and dry. They ate beans, pumpkins and squash. They lived in earth lodges or teepees.
The Seminole Tribe CLIMATE/REGION FOOD CLOTHES SHELTER They live in Florida were it is hot and sandy. They eat rabbit deer fish and turtles. They wore breach clothes and deerskin clothing. They lived in a chickee stilt house , wattle and daub house and a log cabin.