2000 Refugio County Population by Age Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau
2004 Refugio County Population by Age Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau
2000 Refugio County Elderly Population Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
2004 Refugio County Elderly Population Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
2000 Percent of Male and Female Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau
2004 Male / Female Population Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau
2000 Racial and Cultural Diversity Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau Percent (%)
2004 Racial and Cultural Diversity Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau Percent (%)
Alcohol-Related Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Drug-Related Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Violent Crimes Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Property Crimes Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Runaway Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Curfew, Vandalism, & Disorderly Conduct Juvenile Arrests Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Alcohol-Related Adult Arrests Per 1,000 Adults Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Drug-Related Adult Arrests Per 1,000 Adults Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Violent Crimes Adult Arrests Per 1,000 Adults Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Property Crimes Adult Arrests Per 1,000 Adults Source: Texas Uniform Crime Reports
Rate of Family Violence Incidents Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Uniform Crime Report
Confirmed Child Abuse Victims Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Family & Protective Services
2003 Confirmed Adult Abuse Per 1,000 population Source: 2003 Texas Dept. of Family & Protective Services
Number of Family Violence Victims Served Source: Texas Dept. of Human Services
Recipients of Food Stamps, Medicaid, & TANF Source: Texas Department of Human Services
Unemployment Rate Source: Texas Workforce Commission
Labor Force: 16 years & over Source: Demographicsnow
1999 Elderly Poverty Status (65 years and over) Percent (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
1999 Poverty Status of Individuals Under 18 Years of Age Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
1999 Families in Poverty (with related children under 18) Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
Children in Poverty Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
All Ages in Poverty Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
2000 Median Household Income (Dollars) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
2004 Median Household Income (Dollars) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
Median Income by Age Groups Source: Demogra[phicsnow.com
1999 Single Parent Households Percent below poverty level (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
Educational Status of Unmarried Mothers: Less than 12 yrs of Education Percent (%) Source: Demographicnow
2000 Grandparents as Caregivers Percent (%) Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
Refugio County Adults with Mental Illness: Estimates Source: Texas Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
2000 Disability Status by Age Source: 2000 U.S Census Bureau Percent (%)
Percent of Teen Births Source: Texas Dept. of Health Percent (%)
Infant Mortality Rate Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Department of Health
Mortality Rate Per 1,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health
Percent of Low Birth Weight Source: Texas Dept. of Health Percent (%)
Source: Texas Department of Health Chlamydia Rate per 1,000 population Half year only
Source: Texas Department of Health Gonorrhea Rate per 1,000 population Half year only
Chronic Liver Disease Deaths Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics
Diseases of the Heart Deaths Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics
Malignant Neoplasm Deaths Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics
Accident Deaths Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics
Suicide Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics
Homicide Per 10,000 population Source: Texas Dept. of Health: Texas Vital Statistics
Annual Sales Tax Receipts for Mixed Beverages In Thousands of Dollars Source: State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Total Housing Units Percent Source: Dmographicsnow
Vehicles Available Source: Demographicsnow Percent of Vehicles Available
2000 Public Transportation and Travel Time Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
2000 Residence County to Workplace County: Refugio County Source: 2000 U.S. Census Bureau
2003 % Passing Reading TAKS Source: Texas Education Agency
2003 % Passing Math TAKS Source: Texas Education Agency
Reading TAKS Met Standards (Sum of All Grades Tested) (Panel Recommendation)
Math TAKS Met Standards (Sum of All Grades Tested) (Panel Recommendation)
2003 % Limited English Proficiency Source: Texas Education Agency
2003 % Students w/ Disciplinary Placements Source: Texas Education Agency
Percent of Economically Disadvantaged Students Source: Texas Education Agency
Attendance Rate Source: Texas Education Agency
Dropped Out (4 Year % of Students) Source: Texas Education Agency
Total Number of Students Source: Texas Education Agency
High School Rate of Graduation Source: Texas Education Agency
2000 Percent of Students by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
2001 Percent of Students by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
2002 Percent of Students by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
2003 Percent of Students by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
Total Number of Graduates Source: Texas Education Agency
1999 Percent of Graduates by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
2000 Percent of Graduates by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
2001 Percent of Graduates by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
2002 Percent of Graduates by Ethnicity/Race Source: Texas Education Agency
Educational Attainment Population Age 25 + Source: Demographicsnow
Children Enrolled in CHIP Source: KIDSCOUNT
Infants and Children Receiving WIC Source: WIC AUSTIN
% Taking SAT/ACT Source: Texas Education Agency
Mean SAT Source: Texas Education Agency
Mean ACT Source: Texas Education Agency
At/Above Criterion Source: Texas Education Agency
Divorce Rate Per 1,000 total population Source: Texas Vital Stat
% of Children in Head Start Program ages 3 and 4 Source: KIDSCOUNT
Marriage Percentage Source: Texas Vital Stat
Abortion Percentage Source: Texas Vital Stat
HIV per 1,000 Source: Texas Vital Stat
AIDS per 1,000 Source: Texas Vital Stat