Natural Law doctrine
Aristotle & St. Thomas Aquinas Aristotle & St. Thomas Aquinas Nature is created by God Nature is created by God In nature everything has a purpose –lower kinds of nature serve higher kinds In nature everything has a purpose –lower kinds of nature serve higher kinds Human purpose – development of reason & common sense Human purpose – development of reason & common sense Failure to develop according to the laws of nature is imperfection Failure to develop according to the laws of nature is imperfection
The highest standards for judging right and wrong are not the customs or laws of any particular society, but the universal laws of human nature known by reason. The highest standards for judging right and wrong are not the customs or laws of any particular society, but the universal laws of human nature known by reason.
Procreation is natural to all animal life without it there would be no life. Procreation is natural to all animal life without it there would be no life. Procreation is good. Procreation is good. Sex organs are made for this purpose. Sex organs are made for this purpose. Therefore procreative sex is both natural and good. Therefore procreative sex is both natural and good. Using sexual organs in non-procreative ways is unnatural and therefore not good Using sexual organs in non-procreative ways is unnatural and therefore not good Masturbation – no procreation Masturbation – no procreation Therefore masturbation is unnatural and bad Therefore masturbation is unnatural and bad
Examples… To nourish our bodies is correct, but to overindulge to the detriment of our health is wrong. To nourish our bodies is correct, but to overindulge to the detriment of our health is wrong. Self-preservation is right, but to refuse to expose our life when the well-being of society requires it, is wrong. WHY? Self-preservation is right, but to refuse to expose our life when the well-being of society requires it, is wrong. WHY?
It is wrong to drink to intoxication because of the health concerns (SELF- PRESERVATION), but also because it deprives us of the use of reason, which is intended by God to be our guide of conduct. It is wrong to drink to intoxication because of the health concerns (SELF- PRESERVATION), but also because it deprives us of the use of reason, which is intended by God to be our guide of conduct.
Suicide is wrong because it defies the natural law of self-preservation. Suicide is wrong because it defies the natural law of self-preservation. Abortion is wrong because it defies the natural law of continuation of the race. Abortion is wrong because it defies the natural law of continuation of the race. Theft is wrong because it corrupts society, which is required by men. Theft is wrong because it corrupts society, which is required by men.