Open Access and the Wellcome Trust: providing funds for open-access publishing Kathryn Lallu Grants Policy, Liaison and Support Manager Grants Administration The Wellcome Trust
Overview Introduction to the Wellcome Trust Summary of the Trust’s OA policy and how grantees comply What the Trust requires when it pays an OA fee The funding mechanisms & how to claim More about how the OA block grants can be used (FAQs) Our reporting requirements Conclusion UKPMC
The Wellcome Trust Largest charity in UK; second largest medical charity in the world Funds innovative biomedical research in the UK and internationally Currently spends around £500 million pa – supporting the brightest researchers with the best ideas Supports public debate about biomedical research and its impact on health and well-being More information at:
OA at the Wellcome Trust: policy All research papers – funded in whole or in part by the Wellcome Trust – must be made freely accessible from the PubMed Central and UKPMC repositories as soon as possible, and in any event within six months of the journal publisher’s official date of final publication
How do WT grantees comply? Compliance can be achieved by following one of two routes : Route 1 Publish in OA/hybrid journal (preferred route) Route 2 Publish anywhere-but self-archive a version of the author manuscript (must include all changes that arise from the peer-review process) and make that available from PMC/UKPMC within 6 months If a publisher offers neither route then Author can make a revision to the journal’s copyright statement-boilerplate language provided-and see if the publisher will accept this Look for an alternative publisher
What does the Trust require when it pays an OA fee? Mandatory requirements Deposit, on behalf of the author, the final version of the article – in PMC, where it must be made freely available at the time of publication Permit these articles to be freely accessed and re-used, subject to agreed limits (for example, the commercial rights to the article would most likely continue to reside with the publisher) Allow such articles to be mirrored to PMC International repositories, such as UKPMC Deposit the article in XML, along with high-resolution images used in the article. Sign PMC Selective Deposit Agreement Desirable requirements Deposit the publisher PDF version of the article in PMC. Make the article freely available on the publisher website at the time of publication
Determining Wellcome-compliant publishers Unfortunately…no simple, definitive way to determine Many publishers still have no definitive policy on what they will allow Some publishers (e.g. PNAS,ACS etc) use the term ‘Open Access’ differently The Trust is working with RoMEO/Sherpa to provide a database of publisher policies: Search by journal titles or publishers. Look for green tick next to ‘ Wellcome Trust’. If after consulting RoMEO you are unsure, us and we will look into this for you.
Two funding mechanisms 1.A grant for Open Access has been awarded to the 30 top Trust-funded universities Two awards 05/06 and 06/07 Publishers invoice the University who claim the funds back from the Wellcome Trust 2.Where the block grant is not available we will supplement the researcher’s grant. We also have a mechanism to allow the host institution to claim back the OA funds where the grant has terminated. Contact us for more information.
How to Claim the Funds from the Open Access Block Grant (top 30) Claim forms available on our Website Signed by appropriate authorised individual Check your internal processes/liaise with the Research Grants Office! To be submitted quarterly in arrears
The Open Access Block Grant: Frequently Asked Questions Can we use the funds in the following circumstances: The researcher’s grant has terminated. YES The researcher has recently moved here, and her grant, now terminated, was held elsewhere. YES The researcher’s paper was published a while ago, but now he wants to make it Open Access (and the publisher will allow it). YES, but… A researcher’s paper has resulted from grants from more than one funder. YES, but costs should be shared proportionally… We are running out of funds: Our Open Access Grant is running out and it’s only June, what should I do?
The Open Access Block Grant: Reporting Requirements Key date: 30 November 2007! Title of each article The journal and publisher Open Access fee paid Wellcome Trust Grant Holder Wellcome Trust Grant Reference PMC reference
How to claim the funds (2) Researchers at other institutions should contact the Trust with the following details : Current employing institution Title of paper Wellcome Trust grant reference number Title of open access publication Proposed date of publication Amount requested We will supplement the grant and claims should be submitted in the normal way.
Conclusion Two ways to comply with Grant Conditions Funding available only where the publisher deposits Two ways to claim the funds For more information: Wellcome Trust website Kathryn Lallu at Or
UKPMC Objective is to create a stable, permanent and free-to- access online digital archive of the full-text, peer reviewed research publications (and datasets) that arise from research funded by the UKPMC Funders Group 8 UK biomedical research funding organisations have joined the UKPMC Funders Group Estimated that around 90% of the biomedical research that is funded in the UK comes from the UKPMC Funders.
Why establish UK version of PMC? Provides the infrastructure to enable Wellcome grantees (and others within the UKPMC Funders Group) to comply with their grant conditions. A UK version of PMC will benefit the Trust, its partners and the UK research community: UK-focussed services-evaluation of funding; development of new metrics that could feed into a future RAE Local ingestion of UK documents e.g. NICE guidelines Enhanced functionality-integration with grants systems, text mining Long-term preservation of the record of medicine becomes a shared responsibility Helps to ensure that the OA principles espoused by the Wellcome Trust become a reality in the UK
UKPMC-systems and services Systems A UK-hosted mirror of PMC A manuscript submission and tracking system for UKPMC grantees Services Robust, secure and scaleable infrastructure Manuscript conversion facilities Helpdesk Communications and marketing R&D Contract to run and develop UKPMC awarded to a Consortium led by the British Library. See
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