Dialogue to consider changes to the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat of the Organization, in respect of the hiring mechanisms contained in Chapter III Working Group on the Review of OAS Programs Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs April 2014
Assumptions for dialogue Meetings to discuss not to negotiate. Working documents: –CAAP/GT/RVPP-182/13 rev.9; and –Proposal by the General Secretariat and Staff Association of the OAS (CAAP/GT/RVPP- 218/13, add.1 and add. 2) –Document CAAP/GT/RVPP-219/13 (three- column Table), which meets both proposals could be considered for the start of negotiations.
Assumptions for dialogue The proposed text extending the mandate and taking into consideration the use of the above documents will be included in the CAAP omnibus draft resolution: To instruct the Permanent Council to continue considering the working documents CAAP/GT/RVPP-182/13 rev. 9; CAAP/GT/RVPP-218/13 add.1 and add. 2; and CAAP/GT/RVPP- 219/13 in consultation with all interested parties and authorize it to approve the necessary amendments to Chapter III (Personnel) of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat of the OAS, ad referendum of the next General Assembly session on the program-budget.
Items to generate dialogue The proposed amendment to the General Standards involves amending 32 articles: Art. 17 to 47. There are similarities in the documents with respect to 22 articles: 18, 21, 22, 25-37, 39-42, The differences appear with respect to 10 articles: 17, 19, 20, 20bis, 23, 24, 38, 43, 44, and 47
So… The 22 articles on which there is agreement should be approved without further discussion. The 10 articles with "differences" could be negotiated individually. The three articles with major differences are: Article 17 (delete the mention of Series C contracts); Article 38 (different proposals); Article 44 (contains the largest number of changes)
Items to generate dialogue (Differences) Art. 17: –Delete Series C contracts –Delete the Young Professionals Program. Art. 19 –“Automatically contracted” –“certificar la certeza” (Spanish only) –Delete mention of the 01JAN2015 deadline to receive the Series B contract. –Simplification of the compensation requirements. –Updated dates and references to other articles of the General Standards
Art. 20 (financing by Regular Fund): –Discretionality in renewal. –“may grant” or “shall grant” –Update the transitory provision and delay clause. Art. 20 bis (financing by other funds) –Discretionality in renewal. –Delete everything related with Series C contract –“may grant” or “shall grant” –Choice of Series A or C contract will depend on arrangement with donors. –Wages and benefits will not be charged to the RF. –Update the transitory provision and delay clause.
Art. 23: –Secretary General may grant Series B contracts by competition, based on the managerial level of the position. Art. 24 –Update with regard to Articles 20 and 20bis. Art. 38: –Totally different versions of this article in the two working documents. Art. 43: –Reference to “psychometric assessment” is deleted
Art. 44: –Role of the President of the Staff Association –Notifications to the Department of Human Resources (DHR) instead of the SAF. – Variation in the amount of time a position is advertised –DHR decides which candidates meet requirements without distinguishing between internal or external candidates. –General services positions: interview will be with the director requesting the service. –Panel’s report goes to SAF in general service cases and to the Selection Committee in professional career cases. –SAF appoints General Services staff.
Art. 44 (cont.): –Process for appointing reclassified posts is included. –DHR will check language “proficiency," not “fluency.” –Best candidate may not be awarded a Series B contract until he or she passes the language test. Exceptions made to this rule. –Maintain Series B contract for a staff member selected by competition for another position within the Secretariat. Art. 47: –Register of staff members shall also include “existing vacancies”.