Medway Delivering Affordable Extra care Accommodation Russell Drury Affordable Housing Development & Investment Manager
Understanding Need - Institute of Public Care appointed to deliver extra care needs analysis - Includes demographic projections - looks at all accommodation options for older people ranging from staying in own home, sheltered housing, residential care etc. - Discussion with Adult Social Care to determine level of funding available for care element of extra care provision.
Understanding existing housing offer Location Map of existing supported housing
No PFI number of large regeneration sites HCA funding available for extra care ASC willing to provide revenue support for care provision Innovative Approach?
Create link between Regeneration, Strategic Housing & Adult Social Care agendas Deliver up to 350 affordable extra care units before reviewing needs Educate planning & allocations on extra care Mix of tenants in terms of care requirement (1/3 low, 1/3 medium, 1/3 high). Aim to keep schemes vibrant Seek geographical split on provision Aim not deliver more than one scheme per year Strategy
Identify sites (250 units +) Development Briefs Negotiate S106 agreements –Care Service Improvement Partnership (Factsheet No. 6 – Design Principles for Extra Care. –Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) report –Mix of 1 & 2 bed units –Tenure split of units Communicate strategy to partners –Elected members, HA’s, HCA, ASC, Medway Strategic Housing Board Secure HCA funding – NAHP Wait for sites to come forward Next Steps
60 unit (social rented) scheme delivered April 2012 Developer = Berkeley First Registered Provider = Housing21 Scheme is just part of the affordable housing requirement on a unit site. HCA funding £5.8 million (includes 43 shared ownership apartments) Prospect Place, Gillingham
Rochester Riverside Launch date 15 th March unit scheme (social rented) Hyde HA HCA funding £4.6 million
Liberty Park, Wainscott 62 units scheme (social rented) West Kent HA Crest £4.76 million HCA funding Due for completion Sept 2013
Requirement already in place for a further 4 schemes via either development briefs and / or S106 agreements Provision of free land via S106 agreements + additional developer contribution? Mixed tenure extra care scheme (private, shared equity & rented) to create cross subsidy. Alternative funding sources HCA / DoH - Care & Support Specialised Housing Fund? Pooling ‘off-site’ s106 contributions Moving forward
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