1 Social Committee - Performance Management Reporting: Quarter 1 Social Committee’s Key Service Priorities 2006/07 Overall performance for Q1 Social Committee’s Key Service Priorities 2007/08
2 Guide to Reporting = Work is on target to achieve the objectives as specified. = Warning that the achievement of the target in the way specified in the plan may not be possible or the outturn is <10% from the target. Although no decision is required at this stage to amend the action, an explanation is required. = Target is no longer achievable in the way specified or the outturn is >10% from the target. This requires a decision about remedial action. Direction of travel from the previous quarter
3 KSPs Carried Over from 2006/07 Social Committee Affordable social and key worker housing To secure nominations to 95 units of affordable housing and ensure that construction is commenced on a further 48 units, subject to funding being in place. -89 units completed during homes were started, but the start of the development at Hollymoor Lane did not occur.
4 Key Service Priorities 2007/08: Social Committee
5 Progress with Key Service Priorities 2007/08 Affordable, social and key worker housing provision: Secured additional affordable housing units. Target: To complete 83 units of affordable housing during 2007/08 and commence construction on a further 89 units. 53 units completed to date and 7 units started. Transport for the vulnerable and elderly: Route Call - An affordable strategy linked to current and future needs. Target: To approve, by November 2007, a four year strategy for the route call service. Report on this agenda. Housing for the vulnerable and elderly: New housing policy in relation to adaptations for tenants with disabilities. Target: To develop, by November 2007, and in partnership with Rosebery Housing Association, a policy in relation to adaptations for tenants with disabilities that strikes a reasonable and sustainable balance between the financial contributions of the Council and Rosebery Housing Association. Meeting with Rosebery Housing Association held on 29 October 2007
6 Progress with Key Service Priorities 2007/08 (Cont’d) Services for the vulnerable and elderly - An affordable strategy linked to current and future needs. Target: To agree by November 2007 a four year strategy for services for older people. Strategy to be phased in, report on this agenda on Route Call and Meals on Wheels. Health - Services that meet the needs of local people. Target: To ensure that residents’ views are effectively represented in relation to health services through (as appropriate) influencing, lobbying, securing appropriate public consultation and working in partnership with health bodies. The Health Strategy Working Party is working on the development of a Four Year Plan.