GRANT FUNDING Limited number of customers Referrals 1-2 year Service Agreement 3-6 month statistics Annual Review Limited Sales activity Stability
PERSONAL BUDGETS Multiple customers Self Referral Short term contracts Individual reviews Constant sales activity Uncertainty
TRANSITION Not a clean cut-off Multiple customers with different financial arrangements Multiple contractual arrangements Semi-certainty
CUSTOMERS Self funders with a DCC Personal Budget Self funders without a DCC Personal Budget Grant Funded clients Non DCC Grant funded clients
FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Personal Budgets - Clients who pay through a third party - Clients who pay direct Self Funders Grant Funding - DCC/PCT: 6 mthly payment based on satisfactory returns - Whatever the conditions of the grant making body stand
HOW DO YOU MANAGE THIS? Change: -attitude -systems - assume churn Quality: -do not sacrifice it
ATTITUDE Sales orientate -Know your product/service -Decide on your channels -Know your prices -Customer care
SYSTEMS Customer approach Closing the sale Induction Customer care Finances
FINANCE DO NOT CROSS – SUBSIDISE Invoice on time Credit Management Do not sit on your laurels