Student Awareness on Global Warming Tina Tsantakis Education Fall 2008
Table of Contents Introduction - Statement of the Problem - Review of Related Literature - Statement of the Hypothesis
Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to investigate student awareness on global warming and to find out how much knowledge children have on global warming. Every year our earth is being effected by global warming and is creating a dangerous future for our children. Studies show that children have some awareness but do very little to help the earth. Technology and implementing a recycling program in classrooms are very useful tools that will help children become more aware and caring for the earth.
Review of Related Literature Global warming is a very serious issue and it’s not being addressed as much as it should be. Noam Chomsky and Al Gore believe that global warming are major issues that we need to be more concerned with. George Bush pushes aside the issues of global warming. Pictures showing causes and effects of global warming on earth.
Literature Review Noam Chomsky believes global warming is a major issue and that it’s being ignored. Chomsky states (2005), “Design raises the question whether it is intelligent to disregard scientific evidence about matters of supreme importance to the nation and world — like global warming.” Chomsky, Noam. (2005.) Intelligent Design. Retrieved from Chomsky explains that Bush’s administration pushes aside scientific inquiry on global warming. He believes that we can possibly face catastrophic damage if global warming issues continue to be ignored. In the summer of 2005, several nations including the United States, China, India and Brazil took action to attend to global warming issues. Chomsky emphasizes that the government needs to take action and acknowledge the potential harm that is facing us.
Literature Review Al Gore is very interested in saving our planet. He created a campaign to raise awareness and to address global warming issues. Al Gore is concerned about the climate change, rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the rising sea level. Al Gore states (2005), “We can't ignore it. We can't put our heads in the sand. We are witnessing a collision between our civilization and the Earth.” Vega, M., Cecilia.(2005.) Global Warming Called An Emergency. Retrieved from George Bush is an individual who does not care to acknowledge the issues of global warming. He clearly ignores the issues and concerns of global warming and has not developed a plan to help save our planet.
Literature Review Computers and technology are popular and are a part of new instructional methodologies used in today’s classrooms. Children can explore and research on the internet to find out more on global warming. The students can research and find out ways to help save our planet. The negative effect of using computers in the classroom is when children are taken away from group activities and focus on their computers instead of the lesson or assignment the other students are involved in.
Literature Review Recycling is another methodology being introduced into classrooms. This year the school I work in started a recycling program. Recycling is an important key to saving our planet and needs to become more widespread. The negative effect of a recycling program is infestation. If recyclable products are not disposed quickly, it can create a very unwelcoming and hazardous environment.
Statement of the Hypothesis H1: Integrating technology and recycling programs in classrooms will increase student awareness on global warming and will therefore help save our planet. H2: Not integrating technology or recycling programs into classrooms will cause further damage to our planet and will steer children away from the environmental issues that face them in the future.
Causes of global warming Effects of global warming