Digital Earth Communities GEOSS Interoperability for Weather Ocean and Water GEOSS Common Infrastructure Evolution Roberto Cossu ESA EC Grant Agreement no
Digital Earth Communities GEOWOW Partners Weather SBA Ecosystem(Ocean)SBA WaterSBA Technology Partners
Digital Earth Communities GEOWOW Vision towards the evolution of the GEOSS infrastructure
Digital Earth Communities An open and flexible architecture: with a modular approach, i.e. a set of interoperable components that respond to the community needs able to evolve through new components emerging from the technology landscape, however rapidly this is evolving GEOSS evolution
Digital Earth Communities Communities in GEO-GEOSS GEOWOW aims to support GEOSS in serving an increased number of user communities. They have various needs in common, as well as more specific ones
Digital Earth Communities Usage patterns Different usage patterns: different communities will benefit from the components in different manners, according to their needs and their usual working practices.
Digital Earth Communities
Components for Enhancing data discovery and access [Brokering Framework Evolutions] including result ranking and semantic-enriched search Component Development Enablers* [Developer Cloud Sandbox, Cloud Controller], for the development of geo- processing components that can interface HPC resources Resource Registration Enablers* [Community Portal Resource Registration Widget], to facilitate the registration of resources (e.g. processing results) to GEOSS, for reusability from (other) users *Enablers are customizable on the community characteristics Identified components/enablers
Digital Earth Communities Drought - Easy discovery and use of GEOSS resources for addressing multidisciplinary challenges related to drought scenarios The SBA perspective: Showcases Ocean Ecosystems - A new concept for developing environmental indicators to assist marine management decisions Deforestation - Exploring large Earth Observation temporal series for Land Change events detection River Discharge - Modeling of river discharge by using weather predictions and validation based on river discharge observations.
Digital Earth Communities Ocean Ecosystems - A new concept for developing environmental indicators: to discover, select and combine Ocean Ecosystems data and Climate data to quickly prototype indicators and produce maps and graphics for policy audience, by exploiting Cloud computing resources. Showcases Discovering data and preparing a processing environment Components: Developer Cloud Sandbox and Cloud Controller for geo-processing; Community Portal Resource Registration Widget for supporting the results registration to GEOSS. Prototyping a new algorithm or model Packaging the “idea “ and sending it to the Cloud Accessing /registering the results
Digital Earth Communities Access and interfaces to the sandbox Developer Cloud Sandbox. It contains also a cloud controller for distributing the computation on the cloud The scientist can access in a secure way the sandbox and code a specific algorithm The scientist can manage the sandbox through a simple interface, e.g., defining input parameters, triggering the algorithm execution, monitoring the processing status Clients can be developed able to easily communicate input parameters, included input products, to the sandbox and invoke ithe execution of the algorithm (standard OGC WPS). The client could be designed and built using reusable components, e.g., portlets, built by other communities/projects
THEME[ENV ]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC funding: 6,399, € Project Web Site: EC Grant Agreement no GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water Weather, Ocean and Water