Welcome!Welcome! Mrs. Ardiles 4th Grade
Parents Have You… Signed in and signed all documents on the table including how your child goes home? Picked up a Back to School newsletter? Pick up our class welcome letter and volunteer form (if needed)?
How does your child go home? Please make sure to fill out your child’s transportation information on the student information sheet. If you are not sure how your child will be getting to and from school, please see me.
Students Have You… Found your desk? Met a new classmate? Checked out your new classroom?
Welcome to 4 th Grade!
Saddlewood Information School starts Monday, August 17 th. Breakfast begins at 7:15am. Our school day starts at 7:45am. Students should arrive between 7:30- 7:45am. Students are tardy at 7:50. Our dismissal begins at 2:00pm
Physical Activity Time Students will have P.E. every day. Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes every day. Open toed shoes, flip flops, or sandals are not safe for P.E.