Welcome to Back-To-School Night! Ms. Marulli 3 rd Grade, Room #9 Jefferson Elementary
Write Your Student! Take a moment during our time together to write down what you think your child’s favorites are. Then check what they wrote down on the other side of the sheet. Feel free to write them a note at the bottom or on the back.
Did you guess correctly? On the way in, you noticed the houses outside of our classroom. Could you identify your child’s? Do you remember the number? Check inside of your child’s pencil pouch for the answer. ; ) If you have any questions for me, please feel free to talk to me after the presentation or send me an .
About Me Attended Penn State for undergrad – B.S. - Crime, Law and Justice; 2 minors Attended Montclair State University for grad school – MAT in Elementary Ed. and certified in teaching students with special needs 7 th year teaching overall, 2 nd year at Jefferson teaching 3 rd grade Past teaching positions include: 4 th grade classroom teacher, in-class support K-6 th, 3 rd and 4 th grade LLD teacher.
Our Daily Schedule Morning Work Writing Workshop Specials Reading Workshop Lunch – 12:15 – 1:00 Science/STEM/Social Studies Math Copy down HW and Pack Up **Extra help: contact me
Our Specials Schedule Monday – Spanish (30 min.), Music Tuesday – Media Wednesday – Media Thursday – P.E. Friday – Art Please have your child wear sneakers for P.E. Please be sure your child has a smock (colored, not white) prior to Friday’s art class
Snack Each day we have snack around 10:15 AM. Please send your child in each day with a healthy snack in a labeled bag separate from their lunch. We are a nut-free classroom. Your child can keep a water bottle that has a flip top, straw, or bottle cap on their desk during the school day. If the water is cold, please send it in with a sock on the bottom so that the water does not sweat onto the desk. Students can fill up their bottles as needed during the day.
Dismissal 3 rd grade dismisses out the front door. I will dismiss only to those people indicated on the Dismissal sheet. If your child is getting picked up by another parent, grandparent, etc. and that person’s name is NOT written on the Dismissal sheet, please send a note or indicating who is picking up your child on the specific day. That person must pick up your child from the front entrance.
Homework Expectations Each child is responsible for writing down their own HW from the board and packing their own backpack. Students are responsible for using their agenda as a checklist to bring home all of the materials needed. If students have a question or need a resource that they forgot, the student can call a Study Buddy. I will check their agendas and initial them. The last half of the year students will do partner checks. Parents – please sign their agendas each night HW should take about minutes to complete. HW should be completed independently; if there is an issue, please send in a note attached to the HW explaining the issue or an .
Homework Expectations (cont.) HW is checked daily and the student can receive a check plus (100 points), check (90 points) or check minus (80 points). If a student does not have their HW complete, didn’t do it, or forgets it at home, and doesn’t have a parent note: – the student is expected to fill out a HW excuse form, –a parent is expected to sign and date the HW excuse, – the student is expected to return the signed HW excuse the next day to the teacher along with the completed HW. –for every day that the HW is late, students will lose 10 points on that particular assignment Please keep track of how many homework excuses come home.
Friday Folder Each Friday I will send home the student’s Friday Folder containing graded work from the week and occasionally some HW. The cover letter will contain special announcements and reminders for the upcoming week. Sign the cover letter and tear off the Refrigerator Reminders. Sign each piece of graded work (this includes tests, quizzes, and projects, NOT HW which will have a check, check plus or check minus) Send the signed cover letter and graded work back to school in the Friday folder with your child for Monday. Please write any comments in the Parent comments section or feel free to write me an .
Reading Log Students are required to read for 20 minutes for at least 5 days a week. Students should record their minutes on their log and a parent should initial next to it. Logs are handed out on Tuesday and returned on Monday. It’s up the the child what 5 days they want to read. Students are also expected to complete the writing activity on the back of the reading log.
Absence and HW Policy If your child is absent, the HW they missed is due the next school day, unless the teacher says otherwise or there is a parent note. If you want to pick up their HW, please send me an ASAP. Pick up their HW in the Main Office at the end of the day. If you would like us to send their HW home with a sibling, please send me an indicating their sibling’s name, grade, and teacher.
Absent / Tardy / Dismissal If your child is absent, send an that day or send in a note with your child the following day. If your child is tardy, sign them in at the Main Office before sending them to class. * Be sure all notes have your child’s first and last name, teacher name, grade, date and parent signature. If there is a change in how your child is going home, please be sure that I am notified, as well as the Main Office.
Birthdays –We do not celebrate birthdays with food, but we can do a class craft or a simple activity (stories, foam crafts, etc.) – Please contact me prior to your child’s birthday to make these arrangements. –If your child has a summer birthday, please contact me in late May so we are sure to find a time to celebrate your child’s bday prior to the end of the school year.
Classroom Rules As a class we contributed rules that we felt were appropriate. The students have signed the bottom of the rules because the rules are a contract. They know that these are the expectations set.
Individual Behaviors Students are expected to follow the classroom rules on a daily basis. If needed, an individual behavior management system will be put into place such as a clip chart. If troublesome behavior becomes a pattern, I will contact you.
Owl Tickets or Stars If a particular student is exceeding the teacher’s expectations (behaviorally and/or academically), did a random act of kindness, etc., the student will be rewarded with an owl ticket or star. (Owl tickets are equal to stars) Students are responsible for keeping these tickets. On their designated day, students can exchange the tickets or stars for a reward (certificate of recognition, or phone call home, or lunch with the teacher).
Whole Class Behavior – 10 in a row When the class is following the classroom rules, exceeding the teacher’s expectations, or is complimented by another teacher, a student will be chosen to select a number from the envelope at the bottom of the 100 number grid. The student will color in the selected number on the 100 number grid. When there are 10 numbers colored in a row, the class will have earned a class party.
Current Event Starting in the 2 nd marking period, students will be taught the importance of knowing about current events, as well as how to extract important information from a current event, write, and speak about it. Two students will be selected each week to present about a current event. Students are expected to complete the current event for homework and be prepared on their presentation day.
PARCC PARCC testing begins this year. The week of testing will be in the spring. I will do my best to prepare the students for this test.
How to Access My Webpage 1. Go to the Jefferson Elementary School webpage, 2. Click on the Staff link 3. Next, click on Marulli, Lori. * On my webpage you can find: important information, helpful links that students can visit in order to reinforce what we are learning in school, homework expectations, what we are currently learning, etc.
How to Contact Me I can be best contacted via which can be accessed through my webpage. The second most preferred way of contact is through a handwritten note. Please put the note in your child’s take home folder.