Welcome to 2 nd Grade Mrs. Speidell, Mrs. Ruppert, & Mrs. Zippo
Contact Information We can be reached by phone at
1:22- 2:02Day 1 & 4 PEMr. Piggott 1:22 -2:02Day 2 & 5ArtMrs. Robinson 9:52-10:32Day 3 LibraryMrs. O’ Gorman 11:16- 11:53Day 5ComputerMrs. Legnini 1:22- 2:02Day 3 & 6MusicMr. Coates 12:20-1:05LUNCH 2:10-2:30RECESS
TIMEDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6 8:50- 9:10 9:10 10:00 Arrival : Notes / Attendance MATH Arrival : Notes / Attendance MATH Arrival : Notes / Attendance MATH Arrival : Notes / Attendance MATH Arrival : Notes / Attendance MATH Arrival : Notes / Attendance MATH 10:00 10:15 BATHROOM/ SNACK 9:40 BATHROOM/ SNACKBATHROOM/ SNACK BATHROOM/ SNACK 10:15-10:40 11:00 11:30 Reading 1 Reading 2 Funadations Reading 1 Reading 2 Funadations 9:52-10:32 Library 10:30-11:30 Fundations/ Reading Reading 1 Reading 2 Funadations Reading 1 Reading 2 Funadations Reading 1 Reading 2 Funadations 11:35 12:10 SCIENCE Social Studies SCIENCE Social Studies SCIENCE Social Studies SCIENCE Social Studies SCIENCE Social Studies SCIENCE Social Studies 12:20 1:05 STUDENT’S LUNCH 12:45- 1:15 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 1: 10 1:22 PLANNER 1:22-2:02 PEARTMUSICPEARTMUSIC 2:05 2:20 RECESS 2:40- 3:05 WRITING 3:20 3:40 PICK UPS DISMISSAL PICK UPS DISMISSAL PICK UPS DISMISSAL PICK UPS DISMISSAL PICK UPS DISMISSAL PICK UPS DISMISSAL
Check our website for important information…. Gayhead Teachers Speidell / Ruppert Overview Class Supply List Homework Daily Schedule Link Library Calendar Mrs. Speidell and Mrs. Ruppert Math Links Parents As Partners Common Core
Common Core Standards for Parents and Students /Centricity/Domain/334/Shifts-for-Students-and- Parents.pdf /Centricity/Domain/334/Shifts-for-Students-and- Parents.pdf ELA curriculum-map curriculum-map Math Engage NY
The most important thing that you can do with your child is READ- Let them read to you or read to them…….. Reading is the key to success! Math Text- Think Central- Access to the student text, workbook, and videos. – Scholastic Book Wizard - Chose and pick appropriate level books- Raz Kids- Kids can read, listen, and take a quiz on books at their own reading level
Listed below is an explanation of our classroom’s behavior management system. Please read, sign, and return this sheet to school tomorrow. Clip Chart “A Simple Discipline Strategy for Promoting Positive Behavior” READY TO LEARN-All students’ clothespins will be clipped here at the start of each school day. Students have the opportunity throughout the day to clip up. Students will be able to clip up for making positive choices. For example, helping a friend, following directions, taking pride in their work, etc. They can clip up to GOOD DAY, GREAT JOB AND OUTSTANDING. If a student clips up for good behavior, they will get a sticker on their sticker chart. If they get ten stickers on their sticker chart, they get a prize. Students will have to clip down for inappropriate behavior. They can clip down to THINK ABOUT IT which is just a warning no consequence will be given. They can clip down to TEACHER’S CHOICE which is five minutes off from recess. If they clip down to PARENT CONTACT, you will be contacted and they will have to miss ten minutes off from recess. Please keep in mind that a student can clip back up for good behavior once they have clipped down. They always have the chance to make better choices even if they have made a poor one. If a student is clipping down on a regular basis, we may need to contact you regarding a behavior plan that will be sent home with your child. We look forward to a great year together with your children.
MondayMath: Sheet TuesdayMath: Sheet Parents As Partner Night WednesdayMath: Sheet Thursday Math: Sheet Friday Dear Families, The first week was a success. Students are learning our routines, expectations, and rules. Please join us at Parents As Partners on Tuesday, September 16 th at 6:30 to 7:00 or 7:10 to 7:40. At this time we will review our classroom procedures, expectations, classwork, and homework. Thank you for the overwhelming amount of donations of extra supplies. We appreciate them all! It is important that you review with your children their lunch codes. This is their student ID number. This will help the lunch line and lunch go more smoothly. Also, this code will be used for Raz Kids and math on-line access. If you do not know their code please let us know and we will provide it for you. Parent’s Signature and Comments: _______________________________________________ Please return on Tuesday, thanks!
Dear Families, This letter is to inform you that there is a new school-wide policy being implemented this school year by our principal Mr. Olavarria. Mr. Olavarria is asking that you send in alternatives to cupcakes if you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday in school. For your convenience, we have provided a list below of things you could bring in for the class to substitute cupcakes or any other food items: ~stickers ~bookmarks ~mini erasers ~pencil cap erasers ~pencil grips ~glue sticks Another great alternative is to donate a book to the classroom and we can read it the day of your child’s birthday or if the child is able and willing, he or she can read the book to the class on his or her birthday. Please if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mr. Olavarria. Thank you.
We would appreciate any parents that would love to help us out. We will need parents to photo copy or do small tasks for the classroom. If you would be interested in helping we would love your support. Please see the sign up sheet and write a down a day of the week, month, and time that would be convenient for you. We will also need parents to help organize holiday celebrations and crafts. Sign up forms are on the desk outside the door. Thank you for your support !
Please Sign Up for Parent Teacher Conferences These are ½ Days and will be on Thursday, November 20 th Friday, November 21 st Monday, November 24 th