Welcome to Troy Junior High School Parent Orientation Chad Mason Nikki Jones Laura Jackson Sallie Schoettmer
A Note from the Nurse!! Immunization requirement for 7 th graders Welcome to Troy Junior High School Parent Orientation
Serving your child… A staff that works together and is dedicated to meeting the needs of each adolescent Administration Counselors Teachers SRO Nurses Secretaries Support Staff
Middle School Philosophy Flexible Schedule fits instruction OMLA/NMSA resources, research, and recognition Student-centered structure and instruction (advisory, flex period, mini courses)
EXPECTATIONS Safe and orderly environment Rules and consequences AAA Attendance: Be here and on time! Achievement: Learn and apply!!! Attitude: Golden Rule!!!!!!
Drop Off and Pick Up Parents who drop off students at school will need to use the turnaround in the back of the building. Pick up should occur in the north parking lot to avoid bus traffic.
Quarterly Recognition—Stand up and be recognized!!! Honor Roll: gpa Principal’s List: gpa Scholar Athletes, Most Improved, Related Arts Notables End-of-year Awards
DAILY SCHEDULE 7:35 am ---2:40 pm Announcements: 5 minutes Flex/Advisory: 35 minutes Core Academics: 4 hours, 45 minutes Related Arts: 1 hour, 30 minutes Lunch: 30 minutes
Extra-curriculars:Get Involved!! Clubs/Groups : Yearbook, Archery, Student Council, Weather Bugs Interscholastic Athletics: Fall: cross country, football, volleyball, cheerleading Winter: basketball, wrestling, cheerleading Spring: track
STAY CONNECTED!! Website / www.troy.k12.oh.us Phone Student Orientation is August 16 (Tuesday) Open House TBA Conferences…conference nights, call to come in during plan time YOUR CHILD WANTS & NEEDS YOU TO BE INVOLVED—even though their actions don’t say that much of the time!!!!
Welcome to Troy Junior High School Parent Orientation School Supply List Pencils College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper 3-Ring Notebook (Wait for team letter or purchase (1) 1.5 inch to start the year) Notebook Dividers (Package of 8) Black or Blue AND Red Pen Optional Scientific Calculator and Flash Drive