UAMS Compliance Organization Vice Chancellor for Institutional Compliance Robert Bishop, (501) , University Hospital Compliance Officer Jane Hohn, (501) , Research Compliance Officer Darri Scalzo, (501) , Faculty Group Practice Compliance Officer Terri Brame (501) , UAMS HIPAA Coordinator Vera Chenault (501) , Director of Conflict of Interest Jennifer Smith (501) ,
Current Focus Areas:* Documentation criteria for inpatient status vs. observation status. Obtaining Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs) for Medicare patients when appropriate. Entering orders in accordance with FGP policy. Timely documentation of complete and accurate discharge summaries. Appropriate documentation of services provided. *Focus areas may change from year to year in response to new regulations and guidelines or when opportunities for performance improvement are discovered.
UAMS Policies Administrative Guide Policies UAMS Policies Page
Ethical Conduct/Gift Policy A UAMS employee shall not solicit or accept a gift: from a patient, visitor or a person or entity that contracts with, does business with or seeks to do business with UAMS; or from an entity in the healthcare industry; or given because of the employee’s official position.
Ethical Conduct/Gift Policy UAMS employees whose scope of employment requires physical presence at non-UAMS facilities may accept meals and gifts of a value of $25 or less provided such meals or gifts are given to similarly situated employees of that facility. Meals and gifts may not be accepted if provided by third parties.
Ethical Conduct/Gift Policy Educational, marketing and other promotional programs may not include meals for UAMS employees.
Industry Interaction Policy