WELCOME Please come inPlease come in Find a seatFind a seat Download your SIP on the computerDownload your SIP on the computer 10 School Wide Components
Goals for Today! 1 st 1 st Understand the 10 School Wide Components(SWC) 2 nd 2 nd Describe documentation required to be gathered by the school 3 rd 3 rd Begin to highlight your SIP for the 10 SWC 4 th 4 th Develop a documentation process for your school
Howdy! NameName SchoolSchool If you have your holiday shopping done?If you have your holiday shopping done?
Schedule 1 hr Discussion 10 minute Break 1 hr Work Session up10 minute Wrap-up
SIP Living Document Plan to a Process 5 Components Must constantly update student data Make a change in one part effects change in another
10 School Wide Components State requirements for all schools receiving Title I dollarsState requirements for all schools receiving Title I dollars Best Practice for school improvementBest Practice for school improvement Components need to be in your SIP and carried out within the schoolComponents need to be in your SIP and carried out within the school DOCUMENTED proof to back-up that these components are part of your school’s processDOCUMENTED proof to back-up that these components are part of your school’s process
10 School Wide Components Needs assessment using data…1 Strategies to improve achievement…2 Highly Qualified Staff…3 Professional Development…4 Attract HQ Staff…5 Strategies for Parent Involvement…6 Transition Programs: Pre-K, Middle, HS…7 Teachers/ Assessments/ Instruction…8 Timely assistance for student interventions…9 Integration of Federal, State, & Local Services 10
Component 1 needs assessment Subgroups A Comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school using data analysis of NCLB Subgroups Evidence Surveys Data Disaggregating Subgroups All Race/Ethnicity Gender ED ( FARL) SWD ELL
Component 2 reform strategies School Wide reform strategies with emphasis on improved achievement of the lowest achieving students Evidence Best Practices Strategies for improving scores Tutoring Curriculum
Component 2….. core academic a.Strengthen the core academic program in the school amount and quality b.Increase the amount and quality of learning time, such as providing an extended school year and before- and after-school and summer programs and opportunities, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum; and c. Include strategies for meeting the educational needs of historically underserved populations ;
Component 2….. low-achieving at risk Include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State student academic achievement standards who are members of the target population of any program that is included in the school wide program, which may include---
Component 2….. a.Counseling, pupil services, and mentoring services; b. College career awareness and preparation, such as college and career guidance, personal finance education, and innovative teaching methods, which may include applied learning and team- teaching strategies, and
Component 2….. c. The integration of vocational and technical education programs; and d. Address how the school will determine if such needs have been met, and e. Are consistent with, and are designed to implement, the State and local improvement plans, if any.
Component 2….. Provide opportunities for all children to meet the State’s proficient and advanced levels of student achievement described in section 1111(b)(1)(D)
Component 3 Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff as addressed in NCLB Evidence Document that all staff is highly qualified in SIP Component 1a Documentation if all staff is not HQ: Letter sent home to parents if child is taught by a teacher that is not highly qualified for four or more weeks
Component 4 & 5 High quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all children in the school to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards. Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools.
Component 6 Strategies to increase parental involvement in accordance with section 1118, such as family literacy services. Jointly Jointly develop a parent-school compact Jointly Jointly develop a parent involvement policy _____
Component 7 transition Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or a State-run preschool program, to local elementary school programs. Also, strategies for transitioning students’ entry and exit grades………
Component 8 decisions regarding the use of academic assessments Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments described in section 1111(b)(3) in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program.
Component 9 effective, timely additional assistance Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards required by section 1111(b)(I) shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance which shall include measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are
Component 10 Federal, State, and local servicesCoordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs, including programs supported under this Act, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training.
Tips Highlight on computer Complete paper copy and save with SIP Last full copy…must have updated data analysis and instruction Binder method of collection mnpssip.wikispaces.com
Now it is your turn… Questions…Work Session Next ERO Session Jan. 13or 21…SIP Process Setting up Monitoring Sessions
Thank You for coming !!! Hope you enjoyed the day Contact number Denise Bourke