Welcome to Curriculum Night 3 rd Grade
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Intro There are rd grade classrooms this year. There are rd grade classrooms this year. Ms. Dikeman Ms. Dikeman Mr. vanKoeverden Mr. vanKoeverden Mrs. Ice Mrs. Ice Mr. McMullen Mr. McMullen
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Language Arts Our reading curriculum is Reading Street by Scott Foresman. Our reading curriculum is Reading Street by Scott Foresman. There are four priority skills that the curriculum focuses on. There are four priority skills that the curriculum focuses on. These skills include: Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Vocabulary and Text Comprehension. These skills include: Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Vocabulary and Text Comprehension.
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side The CAFÉ and Daily 5 Is a program for engaging all students in daily literacy assessment and instruction Is a program for engaging all students in daily literacy assessment and instruction Which focuses on the following components: Which focuses on the following components: Comprehension Comprehension Accuracy Accuracy Fluency Fluency Expanding Vocabulary Expanding Vocabulary
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Spelling The Reading Street curriculum will be used in our classrooms throughout the year. The Reading Street curriculum will be used in our classrooms throughout the year. Word lists will come home on Monday. There will be a post-test on Friday of most weeks. Word lists will come home on Monday. There will be a post-test on Friday of most weeks. A letter with suggestions for practice will be stored in student planners. A letter with suggestions for practice will be stored in student planners.
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Writing 3 rd grade incorporates extensive cross-curricular writing opportunities. 3 rd grade incorporates extensive cross-curricular writing opportunities. We focus on 3 main types of writing while discussing the writing process: narrative, opinion and informational. We focus on 3 main types of writing while discussing the writing process: narrative, opinion and informational.
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Accelerated Reader-AR AR consists of reading books and taking short comprehension tests on the computer. AR consists of reading books and taking short comprehension tests on the computer. Each month, students will meet individually with their teacher to set a new goal. Each month, students will meet individually with their teacher to set a new goal. We would like students reading good-fit books and achieving 80% or higher on tests. We would like students reading good-fit books and achieving 80% or higher on tests. Your child can test on books they read in class or at home (including curriculum books). Also they can test on books that are read aloud by a parent, teacher, etc. to help them attain their goals. Your child can test on books they read in class or at home (including curriculum books). Also they can test on books that are read aloud by a parent, teacher, etc. to help them attain their goals.
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side A.R. Goals Most 3 rd Graders will be expected to attain the following goal : Most 3 rd Graders will be expected to attain the following goal : 75 points by June 1 st 75 points by June 1 st This will be broken down into monthly goals of about 10 points This will be broken down into monthly goals of about 10 points
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Our district curriculum is Zaner-Bloser. Our district curriculum is Zaner-Bloser. Students are introduced to cursive writing in 3 rd Grade. Students are introduced to cursive writing in 3 rd Grade. Cursive writing is gradually required in written work for other subject areas. Cursive writing is gradually required in written work for other subject areas. Keyboarding lessons begin in October. Keyboarding lessons begin in October. Handwriting/Keyboarding
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Math Our Math curriculum is Everyday Math Key features Key features Problem solving about everyday situations Problem solving about everyday situations Developing readiness through hands-on activities Developing readiness through hands-on activities Establishing links between past experiences and exploration of new concepts Establishing links between past experiences and exploration of new concepts Cooperative learning through partner and small group activities Cooperative learning through partner and small group activities
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side We do more than just Everyday Math Math Facts practice Math Facts practice IXL enrichment/reinforcement activities will be provided to supplement our EM curriculum. IXL enrichment/reinforcement activities will be provided to supplement our EM curriculum. Math 4 Today – In-class practice that reinforces skills and provides extra problem solving activities. Math 4 Today – In-class practice that reinforces skills and provides extra problem solving activities.
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Health Our health curriculum consists of 2 new programs: Second Step – Skills for Social and Academic Success Second Step – Skills for Social and Academic Success McGraw-Hill – Health and Wellness McGraw-Hill – Health and Wellness These programs focus on social, emotional, mental and physical well-being These programs focus on social, emotional, mental and physical well-being
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Social Studies Geography- Map and Globe skills/Landforms Geography- Map and Globe skills/Landforms Our Social Studies curriculum focuses on Ancient Civilizations. Our Social Studies curriculum focuses on Ancient Civilizations. Greece Greece Egypt Egypt
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Science Areas of study include Areas of study include Sun, Moon & Stars Sun, Moon & Stars Physics of Sound Physics of Sound Structures of Life Structures of Life District curriculum includes FOSS Kits and supplemental materials District curriculum includes FOSS Kits and supplemental materials
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side Homework Please check and sign your child ’ s planner daily Please check and sign your child ’ s planner daily 3 rd Grade students will have assignments that come home regularly. These include: 3 rd Grade students will have assignments that come home regularly. These include: Home Links/IXL Home Links/IXL Math Facts Math Facts Spelling Words Spelling Words Daily Reading – 20 minutes or more (Reading Calendar) Daily Reading – 20 minutes or more (Reading Calendar) Other assignments or unfinished in-class work Other assignments or unfinished in-class work If children are unable to finish their homework, they will be required to find a suitable time during the school day. (ex. breaks or recess) If children are unable to finish their homework, they will be required to find a suitable time during the school day. (ex. breaks or recess)
Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side
Other Information Please be sure your information in Skyward Family Access is current. Please be sure your information in Skyward Family Access is current. Student iPads 3:1 for school use. Student iPads 3:1 for school use. Please remind your child to leave toys/cards at home. Please remind your child to leave toys/cards at home. Field Trips will be announced at a later date Field Trips will be announced at a later date Please have your child bring a healthy snack to school daily. Please have your child bring a healthy snack to school daily. fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese, crackers, pretzels fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese, crackers, pretzels Trojan Pride on the Sunny Side
WELCOME BACK! WHAT IS PTSA? WHAT IS PTSA? The Sunset Hill PTSA is a non- profit organization made up of parents just like you, along with teachers and administrators. Membership gives you the opportunity to make a difference in your school. We sponsor a variety of activities and programs throughout the year such as field trips, book fair, SH community events, Carnival, teacher support, Nature Center, student enrichment assemblies, and so much more! WHY SHOULD I JOIN? WHY SHOULD I JOIN? Get Connected Foster School Community Build Relationships “Make More Happen on the Sunny Side” We Need You! PTSA success wouldn’t be possible without the commitment of our members! Please join us in the cafeteria to sign up, learn more, and have a treat.
Thank you for coming! Have a great night. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.