VNTE Prep Anesthetic Review
Vapor Pressure A measure of the tendency of a molecule to escape from the liquid phase to the vapor or gas phase. Determines how readily the anesthetic liquid evaporates in the anesthetic machine vaporizer. Agents w/ high vapor pressure are considered to be volatile.
Vapor Pressure High vapor pressure = Evaporate readily = Must use precision vaporizer Low vapor pressure = Don’t evaporate as readily = Does not require a precision vaporizer
Solubility Coefficient A measurement of the distribution of the inhalation agent between the blood and gas phases in the body. Agents w/ a high solubility coefficients take longer to induce and recover from anesthesia. Agents w/ a high solubility coefficient are extremely soluble in blood & tissues – they do not build up in high levels in the alveoli.
Solubility Coefficient Agents w/ a low solubility coefficient have rapid induction & recovery from anesthesia. Agents w/ a low solubility coefficient are less soluble in blood & tissues - they build up in the alveoli in sufficient levels Associated w/ the speed of induction, recovery, & change in anesthetic depth
Minimum Alveolar Concentration A measurement of the potency of an agent The lowest concentration of an anesthetic agent that produces no response to painful stimuli in 50% of the patients. The lower the MAC the more potent the agent (It takes less to reach desired effect)
Minimum Alveolar Concentration It takes a higher concentration of an agent w/ a high MAC to maintain a similar anesthetic depth when compared to an agent w/ a lower MAC. It is more cost effective to use an anesthetic agent w/ a low MAC.
Vaporizer Out of Circuit AKA – VOC Vaporizer is not in the breathing circuit - Circuit includes: unidirectional valves, hoses, CO2 absorber canister, APL valve, reservoir bag Precision vaporizers Must be placed out of the breathing circuit due to high resistance to gas flow
Vaporizer in Circuit AKA – VIC Vaporizer is part of the circuit Nonprecision vaporizers Offer little resistance to gas flow thru the breathing circuit