WELCOME 1 st Grade Curriculum Night
HUSD SCHEDULE: Fall Break: Sept. 28 – Oct. 12 Winter Break: Dec. 21 – Jan. 4 Spring Break: March 7 – 21 Last day: May 26
Day to Day Reminders Morning Bell is 8:05 AM Dismissal Bell (M, T, Th, F) is 3:05 PM Early Release Days is 1:00 PM *Every Wednesday teachers about any changes in daily routine. Lunch Before Recess this year. One Additional Afternoon Recess Brain Breaks – GoNoodle
Day to Day Reminders cont. Bring Water Bottles Only water is allowed in classrooms. Students are allowed 1-2 snacks a day. Healthy and neat snacks are preferred. Classroom Snacks are considered “working snacks”. As the temperature changes please keep in mind of a light jacket to keep in the room.
Dress Code: The required dress code contributes to Higley Traditional Academy’s academic environment. It is both the parent’s and child’s responsibility to ensure compliance with these standards. If your child is out of dress code, staff is required to fill out a pink slip. If you have further or more specific questions, comments, or concerns please your student’s teacher or ask administration.
PBIS: R. Respect A. Accountability I. Integrity S. Safety E. Excellence As we welcome students to the school year, we will be continuing our Positive Behavior Management Program (PBIS) with “R.A.I.S.E. a Hawk High 5”.
PBIS cont. Every classroom utilizes the following behavior incentives in their own way. For specific questions please ask your student’s teacher. Quarterly Classroom Rewards Character Winners Hawk High 5 Tickets Clip Chart
District Curriculum Maps Located on HUSD webpage District takes AZCCRS and divides them into quarterly benchmarks for teachers.
Standard Based Grading: Standards-based grading measures the mastery of the learning objectives It is based on a specific set of standards that students need to meet for each grade/content level
Standard Based Grading cont. The K-5 Grade Reports to Parents include the following levels of performance: 4 = Above benchmark / Exceeds current grade level expectations **3 = Meets benchmark / At grade level expectations 2 = Approaching benchmark / Improving but not consistent 1 = Below grade level / Needs more time and support
Morning Routine Math Meeting is a time when we practice everyday skills. Homework Folders For completion For signatures First thing in the morning
Reading Homework Reading Log minutes Use of whole group, small group, and centers. Literacy Environment Checklist
Spalding Daily oral and written phonogram review 20 phonogram test on Fridays 30 spelling words tested a week on Fridays Homework Spelling Practice
All letters sit on the baseline Tall letters approach the top line Short letters are half the size and consistent throughout Lines are straight and parallel Clock letters are round 2 finger spaces between words. Dots and cross parts are small and before the midline. No floaters and dippers. Handwriting
Saxon Homework 1-2 pages Second grade curriculum Daily timed Fact Fluency addition, subtraction, multiplication Xtramath.com
ScienceSocial Studies Science Investigations Plants Going to School Matter Good Citizen Looking Back Our Earth Weather and the Sky All about People Land Around Us Animals and their Habbitats Economics Jobs People Do
Release of Students Directory Information