WELCOME TO YEAR 2 Miss Etherington Miss Langdon Mrs Angell Miss Shanks
OVERVIEW This term we will be covering electricity and materials in science. In Topic we study Florence Nightingale and ‘A Polar Adventure’. A visit to the Nightingale museum is highly recommended. In literacy we start with Traditional Tales and Instructions.
READING BOOKS Reading books will be sent home every evening. Please return every morning. Children are expected to read every night. At least 10 minutes would be great! Reading for comprehension! Please encourage your child to use their phonic knowledge to decode unfamiliar words.
HOMEWORK Look on Fronter weekly – news, spellings, tables etc. Homework books. We would like your support to encourage neat, well presented work that will include underlining the title, date, etc.
PE Please ensure all parts of their PE kits are named. Shorts, white t-shirt plimsolls. Tracksuit bottoms. Earrings. Long hair must be tied back.
RAINY DAYS AND MORNINGS First thing in the morning is not the best time to speak to us. Teaching assistant on the door – or note/letter. Your child needs a waterproof in school every day.
HOME TIME Waiting for your children. If you’re late – to the office at 3:45pm.
HELPERS Teachers will be asking for support in class activities so please write a note to your class teacher if and when you are available to help. Especially need people to help with cooking.