Welcome to Second Grade Created by Your Teacher ~Ms. Rost
FUN, FUN, FUN!! n In the second grade, we will: –strengthen our reading skills –learn how to write a friendly letter –work with numbers up to 100 –learn about your community and the U.S. –learn about living things, the sun and its family, magnets, sound, machines, and weather
More fun!!
Rules n Listen carefully. n Follow directions. n Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working. n Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions. n Respect school and personal property. n Work and play safely. n Always try to do your best.
Consequences n Verbal redirection n 2 minute time out in the room n 5 minutes recess n Note or phone call home n Principal’s Office
Homework Occasionally I send homework for you to do, mainly to practice a new skill that you just learned. Work will need to be returned the following day. Please try to have a parent or other guardian help you if you need it.
Let’s Have a Great Year!! –Being a responsible student and following the school and classroom rules will result in a fun and enjoyable year for everyone!