Chapter 3 Neuroscience and Behavior Slides prepared by Randall E. Osborne, Texas State University-San Marcos Revised by Dr. Bar-Navon for purposes of Kaplan - Unit 3 Introduction to Psychology PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner
PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner 3.1 Neurons: The Origin of Behavior
3 3.1 Neurons - Dendrites — “tree” - Cell body — “soma” - Axon — “myelin”
4 3.1 Neurons - Glial cells support cells - Synapse
5 3.1 Neurons - Major types of neurons sensory motor interneurons
PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner 3.2 Electrical Signaling: Communicating Information Within a Neuron
7 3.2 Electrical Signaling - Conduction and transmission - Resting potential natural electric charge concentration of ions inside and outside cell
8 3.2 Electrical Signaling - Action potential threshold myelin and nodes of Ranvier Refractory period
9 3.3 Chemical Signaling - Neurotransmitters - Receptors key and lock reuptake
PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner 3.3 Chemical Signaling: Synaptic Transmission Between Neurons
PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner 3.4 The Organization of the Nervous System
Nervous System - Central (brain & spinal cord) - Peripheral somatic autonomic sympathetic parasympathetic
Nervous System - Somatic gather info. from external world - Autonomic complementary systems
Drugs - Agonist drugs – often speed up your brain and body. Examples include: nicotine & cocaine. [stimulants] - Antagonist drugs – often slow down your brain and body. Examples include: alcohol and valium [depressants] - Interestingly, caffeine, the number one drug in the world, is actually an antagonist drug. It works by blocking the effects of another neurotransmitter adenosine. Adenosine is responsible for making you feel tired and sleepy, especially at night.
Exploring the Brain – Major Divisions - Hindbrain medulla reticular formation cerebellum pons Disorders that affect the hindbrain RegionDisorder Cerebellumstroke Medulla oblongatastroke Ponssleep disorders, stroke
Exploring the Brain–— Major Divisions - Midbrain tectum tegmentum Disorders that affect the midbrain RegionDisorder Substantia nigraParkinson's disease NB: stroke can occur in the midbrain
Exploring the Brain–— Major Divisions - Forebrain cerebral cortex - Subcortical structures thalamus hypothalamus pituitary gland
20 Disorders that affect the forebrain RegionDisorder Cerebral cortexdepression, Huntington's disease, mania Cerebrumepilepsy, stroke frontal lobeAlzheimer's disease, depression, mania parietal lobeAlzheimer's diseasea temporal lobeAlzheimer's disease, depression, mania Limbic systemmania amygdaladepression hippocampusAlzheimer's disease, mania
Exploring the Brain–— Major Divisions - Limbic system hypothalamus Hippocampus amygdala basal ganglia
Exploring the Brain–— Major Divisions - Cerebral cortex frontal lobe temporal lobe occipital lobe parietal lobe corpus callosum
PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner 3.5 The Development and Evolution of the Nervous Systems
Genes and the Environment - Gene DNA - Chromosomes - Monozygotic twins - Dizygotic twins - Heritability
PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner 3.6 Investigating the Brain
Investigating the Brain - Studying the damaged brain - Phineas Gage emotional functions of the frontal lobes
Investigating the Brain - Distinct roles of left and right hemispheres split-brain procedure