Chem.412 – PChem I - Outline Introduction/Basics Review Computer Applications States of Matter First Law of TDMolecular Energies Equilibrium & Spontaneity Quantum Chemistry Entropy – 2 nd /3 rd Laws Equations of State Grade Distrn
Introduction: Review of Basics Four Major Principles Mathematical Basics Units Significant Figures. Problem Solving Common Terminology Factor Labels
Major Principles of Physical Chemistry Thermodynamics Kinetics Quantum Mechanics Statistical Mechanics
Basic SI Units
Seven Basic SI Units
Units – Examples I
Units – Examples II
ExponentialPrefixSymbol exaE petaP teraT 10 9 gigaG 10 6 megaM 10 3 kilok 10 2 hectoh 10 1 dekada decid centic millim micro nanon picop femtof attoa
Prefix/Units – Examples
Scientific Notation & Identities ± integer± real
Scientific Notation & Identities: Examples
Rules of Significant Figures Counting zeros Rounding Product/Quotient can have no more sig. Figs. Than numbers with the least sig. Figs. Sum/Difference can have no more decimals than numbers with least decimals. Keep at least one extra digit for intermediate calculations Exact Numbers
Rules of Significant Figures: Examples
Mathcad Answers
Dimensional Analysis Method of calculation utilizing a knowledge of units Conversion factors => simple ratios relating two units Desired unit = given unit (conversion factor) Dimensional Analysis
Density Example The sun is estimated to have a mass of 2x10 36 kg. Assuming it to be a sphere of average radius 6.96x10 5 km, calculate the average density of the sun in units of g cm -3. Mathcad Soln Mathcad w Instructions
Stoichiometry Example Determine the number of hydrogen atoms present in 2.56 kg of water.
Atmosphere Pressure and the Barometer Pressure Standard atmospheric pressure = 760 mm of Hg 1 atm = 760 mmHg = 760 torr = kPa. Graph Demo
Common Terminology System: Part of universe being studied, set apart by definite boundaries. Surroundings: Medium outside System. Isolated System: No energy or matter transferred between System and Surr. Closed System: Energy transfer between Sys. and Surr. Open System: Energy and Matter transfers between Sys. And Surr. Properties: Quantitative measures of physical quantities ( i.e. pressure and temperature ) Graphical TechniquesGraph Demo
Graphical TechniquesGraph Demo
Introduction: Review of Basics Four Major Principles Mathematical Basics Units Significant Figures. Problem Solving Common Terminology Factor Labels Graphical Techniques Graph Demo