The Frances Bardsley Academy for Girls Key Stage 4 "Gladly Lerne Gladly Teche"
Welcome Introductions A new key stage The summer results GCSEs and the future
Vision and Values Gladly Lerne, gladly teche Our Values Tradition Innovation Community Achievement
A Good Learner Reflective Creative Articulate Resilient Empathetic Risk taking Self Aware
Curriculum Linear examination system Re-sits Challenging pass rates
Controlled Assessment Replaced coursework Fairness and equity Time Low and High control Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Drama English Language & Literature Geography Graphics History ICT MFL (French & German) Music Physics Physical Education Textiles
Spelling, punctuation and grammar Students will be marked on the accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar and their use of specialist terminology. Extended writing Five per cent of the total marks
Importance Opportunity to achieve Display excellence Not just a stepping stone to post-16 education Competition
Practical Help Online and downloadable exercises focusing on SPaG csebitesize/ csebitesize/ revision revision e/ e/
Developing the whole pupil Extra-curricular opportunities School clubs Trips Expeditions Work experience
Aiming High Challenge Resilience Support Success