Roosevelt in Office
Roosevelt Revives The Presidency In international affairs, Roosevelt was a Social Darwinist Domestically, he was a Progressive – Believed the US should adopt progressive reforms in order to have a society that could successfully compete with other nations
Square Deal Refers to Roosevelt’s reforms during his second term in office. – “I shall see to it that, that every man has a square deal, no less and nor more.”
Roosevelt Takes on Trusts TR believed that big business was efficient, nut some were hurting public interest through their pursuit of private interest. In 1901/1902, The Great Northern RR and N. Pacific RR joined together to create a giant holding company (Northern Securities) – Brought about by a stock battle over control of the Burlington RR Co.
Roosevelt Takes on Trusts Roosevelt decided that Northern Securities was in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, and filed a lawsuit (Northern Securities v. The United States) – The supreme court ruled in favor of the US Newspapers call TR a “trustbuster”, and his popularity soared
The Coal Strike of 1902 Spring 1902, United Mine Workers (UMW) went on strike; demanding pay increase and hour shortage. TR urged unions and owner to accept arbitration – The union agreed, but mine owners did not Their stubbornness led TR to threaten to order the army to run the mines – Mine owners quickly accepted arbitration
The Bureau of Corporations TR did not despise big business, but he did believe it should be regulated. – Convinced congress to create The Bureau of Corporations. Has the authority to investigate corporations and issue reports on their findings.
The Bureau of Corporations gentlemen’s agreement These types of arrangements allowed TR to regulate big biz without having to sacrifice economic efficiency by breaking up trusts.
Congress Follows………….. Congress passed: – Expedition Act: gave federal antitrust lawsuits precedence on the dockets of circuit courts. – Hepburn Act: intended to strengthen the Interstate Commerce Commission by giving it the power to set RR rates.
Social Welfare Action Consumer Protection became an important issue in the early 1900s – Journalists were publishing articles exposing harmful practices by industry. Many Americans became concerned about the food they ate Upton Sinclair wrote “The Jungle” – Described unsanitary conditions in the meat packing industry.
Social Welfare Action In response, TR pushed congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act – Requires federal inspection of meat Agricultural Dept. to set cleanliness standards in meatpacking plants The Pure Food and Drug Act – Banned the sake of falsely labeled food & drugs
Conservation TR was a strong supporter of environmental conservation Recognized the country’s natural resources were being used up and urged people to conserve resources.
Land Development in the West TR supported the Newlands Reclamation Act; allowing use of federal funds to be used to pay for irrigation and land development projects. He also helped preserve natural resources by adding millions of acres of land as protected national forests – New national parks and wildlife reservations.
Roosevelt's Legacy TR changed the role of the federal government – Increased power of the executive branch. Implemented new departments to regulate various parts of American life. – (ex: Agricultural Dept & Bureau of Corporations)