The changing model of teaching and learning multimedia E.Rossiou, G.Pantziou Department of Informatics TEI of Athens,Hellas
The new way… The teaching and learning model is changing in “Technology of Multimedia” course in the Department of Informatics in TEI of Athens, Greece. The 15 weeks course ‘faces’ the shift in teaching and learning model across the spectrum of higher education.
Need for new approach in teaching.. The information revolution our changing views οn the way we teach demands οn graduates from the workplace all work together to form a new approach to higher education. This presentation describes the way that a multimedia course is implemented in our TEI and some of the evaluation results of it.
Key points on teaching and learning Tutors should develop a range of teaching strategies Tutors should develop a range of teaching strategies because of the different learning styles of their students. οn active approaches The emphasis should be οn active approaches. Teaching is a two- way communication process Learning incorporates skills Learning incorporates not only knowledge and work at the conceptual level, but also skills.
Why change how we teach? Α simple answer is: ‘in order to survive' ‘in order to survive'. Α more positive response is: 'Το ensure that the students of today receive as good an education as we ourselves did.
Different people and different perspectives will produce different solutions tο every problem or challenge in higher education. What are the options for change? There are strategies for addressing the current challenges facing higher education….
Some strategies… Finding ways of adapting or refining 'traditional' methods of teaching Finding ways of adapting or refining 'traditional' methods of teaching to suit the needs of a 'mass' higher education system with reduced resources. Finding 'new' ways of teaching Finding 'new' ways of teaching - where 'new' may be a case οf either adapting forms of education already proved in other sectors, or radically rethinking the nature and process of education.
Old and new models of teaching and learning Recent changes in education haνe been coupled with the introduction οf new technology, and this inevitably changes methods οf teaching and learning.
Some shifts… away from traditional method Old model of teaching New model οf teaching Technology implications Classroom lectures Individual exploration Networked PCs with access to information Passive absorption Active learning Requires skills development Individual workTeam learning Benefits from collaborative tools and Teacher is dispenser of information Teacher is guide Access to experts over the network Stable content Fast- changing content Requires networks Passive absorption Teacher is dispenser of information Requires skills development Access to experts over the network Classroom lectures Networked PCs with access to information Individual exploration Active learning Individual work Benefits from collaborative tools and Team learning Teacher is guide Stable content Requires networks Fast-changing content
New teaching and learning methodology The teacher becomes guide / manager guide / manager οn learning resources Students become independent manage learning Students work collaboratively not competitively Multimedia resources are delivered over the network for flexible access. Communication and resources are accessible via the Internet
“Multimedia Technology” course in Tei of Athens Theory session Theory session Lab session Lab session The duration of the course is weeks per term
digital presentation of info zip-principles text images sound and video storing media network for multimedia application development of an application via an authoring tool. Theory Session of “Multimedia Technology” course Teaching is 2 hours per week and teaching material includes:
It aims to students’ familiarization with an authoring tool. Students have the opportunity to: “See” “See” and “evaluate” multimedia applications with various authoring tools (Toolbook, Authorware, Director) implement their knowledge their own implement their knowledge by developing their own multimedia application (they work in groups). Lab Session of “Multimedia Technology” course
Bloom in teaching and learning process In the lab session, teaching of the authoring tool follows “Bloom process”: the 6 “steps” of “Bloom process”:
Knowledge Bloom Process… Synthesis Implementation Evaluation Analysis Comprehension
presentation package The key concepts are presented to student using the presentation package Power Point. improved The students’ notes have been improved and the lectures as well. independent learning Students have access to lecture material, on the campus network for an independent learning. Knowledge
Comprehension on line questionnaires Students answer to on line questionnaires with questions: true/false, multiple choice, gap fill on new concepts receive feedback and they receive feedback.
Implementation The lab assessment is a multimedia application, which is uploaded, in exe-format, on the campus network. Students either individually or in groups try during the lab session, to develop this application: work on their own, follow their rhythm of studying and use the necessary for them, media (notes, internet, help menu of the authoring tool).
Analysis why and how...) Students try to analyze (why and how...) deeper their application or another one that is delivered in the campus network or in the web.
Synthesis During the course students prepare the final assessment, a multimedia application, and they work in groups of 3-5 students. Interactiveevent drivenenriched exploration This final project tends to be educational software (Interactive, event driven, enriched, offers possibility of exploration) for secondary or primary education.
Evaluation The total students’ evaluation is a combination of: lab assessments (10%), final exam (40%) final project (50%). The forum in the camp network is the opportunity to: Communicate each other Exchange opinions Solve queries Evaluate lab sessions and make suggestions Suggest various web resources…
A draft evaluation… Benefit οf technology use in… Students more independent of us Flexibility of course provision is increased Students are… TeachingAssessment But…don’t lose learning control But… it takes time to set up correctly!! … pushed to access to books and articles …. encouraged to work collaboratively … are encouraged to work collaboratively
See ourselves as centra to our students' learning and keep control. See ourselves as not centra to our students' learning and give independence to students See us as someone who needs to control some aspects of our students' learning while allowing them independence at other teaching quality In order to improve teaching quality, known that and known that there are times when: tutors should remain in control students will gain from independence we have tried to involve a mixture of the approaches: A mixture …
Official evaluation is coming… The main features of the axons are: EffectivenessEfficiency Importance of the educational material. AXONS Structure Knowledge-Educational content Interactivity Encouragement Personal development
Department of Informatics The results of this evaluation will guide us to moderate the changing model of teaching and learning multimedia according to students’ and tutors’ needs.