WU #2 Wednesday List all of the improper laboratory techniques illustrated in the picture below.
Science Fair Where do I begin?
preAP Science Fair Log Book – In Black/Blue Pen -set up the first 5 pages like you did for your SN. -title page (name is small enough to cover with a post it) -Table of contents (4 pgs – with DATES) - page 6 List as many ideas as you can come up with for science fair. - Back Cover – Log Checklist - Last page – Science Fair Timeline Science Fair Packet -Share agreement page & INTEL pages with parents. -Return agreement page signed by Friday. -Feasible pages are due Monday 3
4 Research is verifying the achievement benefit using science journals or notebooks. Purposes of a science Log Book –Models the way a scientist works –used daily –drawings with labels –photographs –notes & concept maps –graphs –data in charts & tables –information & student reflections relating experiment
~Step 1~ Begin by thinking about… A problem in my community or neighborhood. A situation that I’d like to improve. A current topic I’ve been hearing about in the news. Who I’d like to help…my target audience. A product that is of interest to me? A career option…anything interesting?
The key to a good project... APPLICATION TO SOCIETY!!!
If working with a partner... 3 feasibility ideas per person. – (Same topic, but each has own variable testing.) Remember, individual grades for partner projects. (Each does own paper, data, etc.) Each will be interviewed separately. Each will have a log book. Parents will still “sign off” on any portion completed in that parents’ presence.
Overview Read & Highlight INTEL handbook Complete scavenger hunt Start Science Log book (Brainstorm ideas & find ones that pass the checklist test.) Parents need to sign logbook for any entries done in their presence. 3 Feasibility papers due Monday
Next… Get parent permission. ject_categories ject_categories Bullet interesting facts. Bullet comments made by those interviewed. Begin building your reference page from the beginning! Think about a possible hypothesis. Do I need a mentor?