Environmental Systems Using a systems approach to understanding the way the world works
This is a two year course for Group 4 of the International Baccalaureate A Group 4 Experimental Science Subject Environmental Systems can only be studied at standard level Environmental Systems can only be studied at standard level This course differs from the other sciences in adopting a holistic approach This course differs from the other sciences in adopting a holistic approach
What do we study? This course will provide you with an in depth understanding of how the environment works You will begin to understand the functioning of the environment in the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and the biosphere The course has many links to geography and other sciences
Course Work There is a practical component of the course, as with all group 4 subjects Forty hours of practical work has to be completed over the two years Much of the practical work is done as fieldwork The assessment of the practical work is 24% of your final grade
Syllabus There are four core units 1 Systems Theory 2 Ecosystems 3 Global Cycles and Physical Systems 4 Human Population and Carrying Capacity
Relationships in the syllabus SYSTEMS ECOSYSTEMS PHYSICAL SYSTEMS HUMAN POPULATION The systems approach is used in all subject areas
Options In the options block you will also study one ecosystem in detail – at DIC this has been coral reef and mangrove ecosystems This includes detailed fieldwork and laboratory work on this ecosystem Conservation issues and management are also studied
More options You also have to choose one from 1.The impacts of resource exploitation 2.Conservation and Biodiversity 3.Pollution Management
Examinations There are three papers worth 76% of your grade Paper 1 is a thirty question multiple choice paper Paper 2 is one long structured comprehension question and one essay Paper 3 is two long structured questions on your option choices
Information Technology Is used in some of the practical components of the course Provides support material and notes on the course at the environmental systems site on DICNET (Follow the science home page link)
Why study Environmental Systems? It is very useful for anyone interested in a career in the environment or going on to study environmental science or geography at university It is an excellent choice for anyone with an interest in how the natural world works on a large scale It helps if you have an interest in environmental issues
The Issues Covered Atmospheric pollution is studied in detail including Ozone, Global Warming, Acid Rain and Local Pollution The human population explosion is covered in detail along with the issue of sustainability Soil management and agriculture change is covered