2 ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES OF THE STUDENTS Medicine Medicine Pharmacy Pharmacy Dentistry Dentistry Nursing Nursing Health Administration Health Administration Health Technology Health Technology Health Services Health Services Physical Therapy & Rehabilition Physical Therapy & Rehabilition Social work Social work Healthcare Professionals Healthcare Professionals
3 This course is designed for clinicians, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, chaplains, social workers, hospital and clinic administrators, and others involved in patient care, plus ethics educators and other individuals interested in clinical ethics issues.
4 Number Of Students: Number Of Students: Total Teaching Hours Distribution In Lectures : 16 Hours Total Teaching Hours Distribution In Lectures : 16 Hours The Course is Optional The Course is Optional Bioethics teaching is incorporated into the Continuous Education Program, and it covers 80% of the total program Bioethics teaching is incorporated into the Continuous Education Program, and it covers 80% of the total program Educational Objectives: awareness of normative dimensions, moral sensitivity, identification of moral issues, knowledge/information, understanding/explaining, analysis /reasoning, justification /argumentation Educational Objectives: awareness of normative dimensions, moral sensitivity, identification of moral issues, knowledge/information, understanding/explaining, analysis /reasoning, justification /argumentation
5 PROGRAMME / SYLLABUS The purpose of this program is to teach the skills necessary for the health workers to identify, analyze and resolve ethical problems in patient care situations, and choose among the options that can be done and those that ought to be done, for a given patient in a given clinical setting. We will help the health workers gain insight into the patient-physician relationship from the patient's perspective as well as the physician's. The purpose of this program is to teach the skills necessary for the health workers to identify, analyze and resolve ethical problems in patient care situations, and choose among the options that can be done and those that ought to be done, for a given patient in a given clinical setting. We will help the health workers gain insight into the patient-physician relationship from the patient's perspective as well as the physician's.
6 COURSE OBJECTIVES Identify moral dilemmas as they arise in clinical scenarios. Identify moral dilemmas as they arise in clinical scenarios. Articulate these dilemmas in terms of conflicting ethical concerns and norms, including ethical values (respect, trust, honesty, etc.) and principles (e.g., autonomy, justice). Articulate these dilemmas in terms of conflicting ethical concerns and norms, including ethical values (respect, trust, honesty, etc.) and principles (e.g., autonomy, justice). Explore and evaluate alternative solutions to given moral problems. Explore and evaluate alternative solutions to given moral problems. Defend the solution that decide is best. Defend the solution that decide is best.