The Beginnings of Hinduism Sec. #2
The Roots of Hindu Belief Aryan culture mixed with the people they conquered to form Hinduism Hinduism has no single founder Gods and goddesses are known as avatars
Hindu Gods and Goddesses Gods and goddesses stand for the different parts of the single spirit of Brahman Brahma, the Creator, created the earth and everything on it Vishnu, the Preserver, is concerned with human welfare Shiva, the Destroyer, sometimes destroys the earth and creates it again
BBasic Beliefs of Hinduism Religious texts such as the Upanishads help to teach the beliefs Brahman has no physical form Reincarnation is central to Hinduism as the soul is reborn into another living thing Good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is punished by the caste of the person When a person lives a perfect life, reincarnation is broken and the soul is one with Brahman
A Hindu’s Duty To be one with Brahman, one must obey his dharma or religious duty Because all people and things are part of Brahman, ahimsa or nonviolence must be practiced Hindus do not eat meat and try to avoid hurting living things Different ways of praying are allowed as there is no one way to the pathway for truth