Game Design LIVE Class Session 01/12/2012
Agenda for LIVE Class Weekly road map Review of basic course information Review of key course information and location of items –Participation links, Announcements, Extra Credit, Jing Tutorials, Doc Sharing, Setting up workspace correctly Application Sharing Project 1 (NETS Standard 1-Creativity & Innovation, NETS 2- Communication & Collaboration, NETS 6-Texchnology operations & concepts
Weekly Road Map This Week –Begin working in Project 1– Lab 5 –Download all resources –Do you have MMF Sneak Peak at next week –MLK holiday next Monday –Project 1- Lab 9 –Quiz 1 (1/23)– Review during next weeks class
The Basics Just like there are basic food groups You need the basics to succeed
Over 12 years teaching technology classes Game Design, Web Design, Graphic Design, 3D Modeling, Digital Photography, and more! Third year with AZVA Married, 5 children, 3 grandchildren and 1 dog (chocolate lab) My name is Mrs. Hall
Due Dates and Late Work Due dates are listed in the calendar bolded and in red. You have until the Sunday of the week assignment is due to turn in for full credit. After Sunday, you will have until the next AZVA LATE DUE DATE, but you can only earn 70%. (30% deduction) Assignments will not be accepted after AZVA LATE DUE DATES.
Remediation Remediation sessions will be required of any student that falls below a 60% this semester. Weekly invitations sent out by Wednesday Remediation will be held on Fridays You MUST come to that session or contact me to reschedule (this is part of your participation grade!)
Participation Part of your grade for all my classes –Each section/project/level will have participation points to earn You will see a list of options that you can complete in order to get full participation points Send a list of the options you have completed through the dropbox for credit
Weekly Class Connect LIVE Classroom Demonstrate the actual project during class time Quiz reviews (interactive) Class Kudos Rubric Reviews (assignments) Graphic Organizers (extra credit) Not mandatory – (always recorded) but can be part of your participation grade
Weekly Office Hours Thursday-Live class session –11:00 to 12:00 Question and Answer Session –Immediately following office hours Remediation –Fridays, 11:00 and 12:00 –And individual times IM Hours –Monday – Friday 9:00 to 3:00 pm
Remind 101 Part of welcome extra credit for ALL classes Text or message reminders will be sent on: Late due dates, Assignment submission due dates, Quiz due dates, and more Sign-up information in class Announcements
Extra Credit Two opportunities in all my classes (minimum– there will be others ) –Welcome Extra Credit: (20 Points) Try and contact me via phone Send me a kmail Sign-up for Remind101 –Last unit Extra Credit: (25 Points) Collect secret words through the semester (Raise your hand, announcements, remind101 messages, etc.) Take all words and make a story about me. (Can be funny but please school appropriate)
How do I know what to do daily? Weekly announcements Calendar KMAILS! Live Class Connect sessions Remind 101 (not daily but due dates) Doc Share area of class
APPLICATION SHARE Go and review these key areas in the class
Course Information
Game Design Students will be immersed into the world of developing and designing video games. You will gain an understanding of different game genres You will use a visual editing software called MultiMedia Fusion (MMF) to create games
Course Requirements You must have the following in order to complete this class: –Software Required: Multimedia Fusion 2.0 K12 Discount offered: Save 30% off $ retail price –total price of $ Day trial of software available (see course for details) We start using software next week! If you can cannot purchase software contact me ASAP!
Grading and Due Dates There are a total of 596 possible points in this class. –Quizzes: (6) at 25 points each –Assignments: (6) 50 to 75 points –Participation: (6) at 16 points Extra Credit opportunities –Welcome Extra Credit available NOW through the end of January
Submitting Assignments Assignments MUST be submitted to the dropbox Create a working folder for each project and save your.mfa AND.exe file (we will review in class) Submit the entire working folder by zipping or compressing the file (we will review in class)
APPLICATION SHARE Start working on Project 1 –MMF Workspace-fill out the sheet –Frames –Creating our first game Ping
Game Design LIVE Class Session 01/19/2012
Agenda for LIVE Class Weekly road map Quiz 1 Review –(NETS 2- Communication & Collaboration, NETS 6- Texchnology operations & concepts ) Application Sharing Project 1 –(NETS Standard 1-Creativity & Innovation, NETS 2- Communication & Collaboration, NETS 6-Texchnology operations & concepts Assignment 1 Rubric Review
Weekly Road Map This Week –Begin working in Project 1– Lab 5 –Download all resources –Do you have MMF Sneak Peak at next week –MLK holiday next Monday –Project 1- Lab 9 –Quiz 1 (1/23)– Review during next weeks class
Class Reminders Extra Credit Extra Credit available through the end of the month Participation can be submitted at any time to dropboxes. –You MUST submit to dropbox the list of items completed for participation
Submitting Assignments Assignments MUST be submitted to the dropbox Create a working folder for each project and save your.mfa AND.exe file (we will review in class) Submit the entire working folder by zipping or compressing the file (we will review in class)
APPLICATION SHARE Start working on Project 1 –MMF Workspace-fill out the sheet –Frames –Creating our first game Ping
How to contact me? Kmail—respond very quickly Raise Your Hand –This is a place within the course where you can post questions for me to answer. Instant Messaging: –Yahoo: azvaehall –MSN: Call me on my office line (may need to leave a voice mail)
THANKS for coming!
How to contact me? Kmail—respond very quickly Raise Your Hand –This is a place within the course where you can post questions for me to answer. Instant Messaging: –Yahoo: azvaehall –MSN: Call me on my office line (may need to leave a voice mail)
THANKS for coming!