University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 (Virtual) Course Introduction HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Winter 2012 With credit to Jake Wobbrock, Dave Hendry, Andy Ko, Jennifer Turns, & Mark Zachry
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Bad Design is Everywhere!
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Bad Design Can have Big Consequences Money $200 withdrawal turned to $20000 due to poor font choice (comma looks like a decimal) Social issues Butterfly Ballot in Florida 2000 election
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Bad Design Can have Big Consequences Human Lives Therac-25 Radiation Therapy machine Air traffic accidents !!$rhi Iran Air 655 Airbus shot down by USS Vincennes’ missiles (290 dead); Human error plus confusing and incomplete Aegis interface (S 13 4); Commentary on Tom Wicker article on Vincennes and SDI (S 13 4); Aegis user interface changes recommended; altitude, IFF problems (S 14 1); Analysis implicates Aegis displays and crew (Aerospace America, Apr 1989); Discussion of further intrinsic limitations (Matt Jaffe, S 14 5, R 8 74); USS Sides Cmdr David Carlson questions attack on Iranian jet (S 14 6)
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 But We Can Try to Help Example: NYNEX was going to buy new workstation for their telephone operators Each second saved per call saves $3M/yr. User modeling discovered it would be 3% slower than original NYNEX did not buy workstation Prevented mistake, saved $2M/yr.
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Blood Test Results – Traditional Requires interpretation by medical professional Hard to know what actions to take
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Redesigned! Focuses on what information is needed and what to prioritize Gives the right amount of info in readable format
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Summary Design is everywhere Design is hard Most everything is designed Much of it poorly Economic ramifications Life and death in certain situations There is hope!
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Introduction - Instructor Instructor: Julie Kientz (pronounced like “Keentz”) Please call me Julie! Assistant Professor in HCDE and iSchool Ph.D. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech Research in Human-Computer Interaction Computing for Healthy Living & Learning (CHiLL) Personal Interests: Travel, Skiing, Running & Fitness, Pets (have 1 dog, 2 cats), Volunteering, Reading, Games
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Introduction - You Please fill out the information on the Introduction Google Doc: nxdU2K0XE2ofypQexqXK8VyyYZCEmpjGI- XEGunM/edit
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Syllabus Basic Info Assessment Assignments Project Labs Course Topics
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Basic Course Info Website: Mailing List: (forwards to Readings: All posted online, but you can buy several of the books for easier reading: Moggridge Buxton
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Assessment Grades will be posted via Catalyst’s GradeBook and handed back in class ComponentWorth Class Participation10% Reading Reflections30% Individual Assignments15% Group Design Project45%
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Participation – 10% Treat all with respect – be constructive in all discussions Come to class prepared – read carefully prior to class meetings Be an active listener – be attentive, be engaged, use in- class technology with discretion Ask challenging questions Comment, build on, or clarify others' contributions Help your classmates use technologies Post useful or interesting information to the class discussion list Visit the instructor during office hours to chat, to ask questions, or to give feedback.
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Readings – 30% There is a lot of reading in this course As graduate students, I assume that you like to read Readings are all available on course web page None of the readings are pointless Reading Reflections R1, R2, etc. on the schedule 9 total reflections About words per response Post on GoPost by classtime the day they're due
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Reading Discussions Everyone will need to sign up for a week to lead the class reading discussion Sign up here: t1Pxhno2zV1kCBneAT57GMAB2k/edit t1Pxhno2zV1kCBneAT57GMAB2k/edit What to do? Prepare a list of discussion questions that go above and beyond the questions asked in the reading reflection Identify 2-3 articles, blog posts, videos, etc. that supplement the assigned readings
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Individual Assignments – 15% AssignmentWorthDue A1: Thinking About Design5%1/11/12 A2: Look, Learn, Ask, Try5%1/25/12 A3: Real World Deployment5%3/5/12
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Project – 45% Group project enabling you to apply the lessons learned in class to a real problem Teams & research questions determined weeks 2-3 Class time will be provided for coordinating team efforts
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Project Topics 2012 Accessible elections design challenge Industry Sponsored Projects from HCDE Corporate Advisory Board GeneralUI Microsoft Others Relation to a research project you’re working on Another design challenge Anything else you're interested in
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Project Project ComponentWorthDue Date P0: Design Question & Team Form1%1/18/12 P1: User Research & Personas10%2/8/12 P2: Ideation & Sketching5%2/15/12 P3: Lo-Fi Prototype & Evaluation9%2/27/12 P4: Hi-Fi Prototype & Evaluation10%3/7/12 P4: Design Specification10%3/14/12
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 UCD Process for Class Project
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Team Composition 2-4 members from a diverse team Class time will be used to help form teams
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Policies – See Syllabus Academic integrity Grading Extensions Late assignments Accommodation Quality of written assignments Attendance
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 My Expectations of You Be here on time Do the readings before class Turn in everything on time Speak up in class Turn off cell phones, no texting No , IM, web surfing during class Respect each other There are no stupid questions/ideas
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 What You Can Expect of Me I will be here on time Your assignments will be graded in a timely manner Typically within 1-2 weeks I will respond to in a timely manner Typically within 24 hours If I don't know the answer to your question, I will find out I will treat you as professional colleagues You will have several chances to evaluate the course
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Course Topics Design Process User Research Methods Conveying User Research Personas & Scenarios Sketching Prototyping Lo-Fi, Hi-Fi Evaluation Current Trends & Issues
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 What This Course Isn't This course isn't about technology It isn't (just) about user interfaces It isn't about “user friendly” It isn't about programming
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 What This Course Is This course is about engaging users to design the human-computer system It is about interaction, not interface It is about user success “User friendly” isn't enough Mantra: “The user is not like me!”
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 What You Will Learn Design design process design methods creating useful and usable things! Science conduct usability evaluations empirical methods, how to handle data Art an eye for the good, the bad, and the ugly what to do about them
University of Washington HCDE 518 & INDE 545 See You Next Week! I apologize for not being able to do the intro in person, but we’ll make up for it! First class topic – Monday, January 9th What is Design? Assignment due: R1 (Reading Reflection 1) – January 9 th on GoPost A1 (Thinking about Design) – January 11 th on CollectIt