A Webquest Activity for Honors English IV Characters in Macbeth A Webquest Activity for Honors English IV
INTRODUCTION The Tragedy of Macbeth is one of William Shakespeare's most intriguing plays, filled with many intricate characters, each motivated by his or her own fears and desires. This Webquest is to introduce you to the main characters, so you will be familiar with each one as we continue to read the play.
YOUR TASK Your task is to conduct research on the main characters of Macbeth by reading brief descriptions from several sources and synthesizing them into a concise description in your own words. Begin by skimming through a few of the linked sites (listed under Resources), to get a general idea about the characters. Once you have a general idea of the characters, pick three that you are going to write descriptions for. Then go back and read the description of each character on each site.
PROCESS Choose any three of the following characters: Duncan Macbeth Lady Macbeth Banquo Macduff Lady Macduff Malcolm Donalbain The Three Witches Use the Web sites listed under Resources to help you learn about the characters in the play.
PROCESS Once you have read about the characters in at least three different sources, write a brief summary of each character, being sure to use in-text citation and include a Works Cited page at the end. Include a brief introductory paragraph about Macbeth, including a TAG (title, author, genre) sentence, and a thesis such as “Three particularly interesting characters are _________.” You do not have to write a conclusion.
USE OF SOURCES Use at least two sources per character Use your own words—do not use direct quotes Do not plagiarize! Use at least three sources (higher grade for all four)
RESOURCES Use these sites: Thinkquest Absolute Shakespeare Macbeth Characters Introduction to the Main Characters in Macbeth
MLA REMINDERS Be sure to: Alphabetize your entries Use a hanging indent Double-space Feel free to use the Citation Maker (only this one!) to help you. NC WiseOwl Citation Maker
RUBRIC 5 4 3 2 Description Citations Mechanics Introduction Includes an accurate TAG sentence, an appropriate thesis, and two sentences of other insightful information. Includes an accurate TAG sentence, a thesis, and one other sentence. Includes a thesis and some additional information. Introduction lacks a thesis or is missing. Description Accurately and thoughtfully described three characters in the writer’s own words Accurately described three characters in the writer’s own words Described three characters with few inaccuracies, mostly in the writer’s own words Described fewer than three characters, often copied from the source, and may have errors Citations Cites two sources per character and four overall. Cites two sources per character and three overall Cites two sources per character and two sources overall Cites one source per character and two sources overall Mechanics Works cited page and in-text citations are properly formatted. Few if any spelling or grammar errors. Works cited page and citations are mostly correct. Minor spelling or grammar errors Several mistakes in works cited page and citations. Spelling and grammar errors interfere with reading. Works cited page and citations have major format errors which make it hard to determine the source. Distracting spelling and grammar errors.