Purpose: To investigate the importance of lab safety and accuracy.
Objectives: 1) Develop skills measuring chemicals with a graduated cylinder 2) Practice use the metric system 3) Test precision and ability to follow directions 4) Practice lab safety procedures
Part 1: begin the lab at step #4. If you over- measure, pipette out the extra fluid and return it to the original beaker Part 2: If test tubes are not labeled line them up so that you easily remember their order. If the numbering on your test tube rack is different from the lab instructions, remember alpha order (A, B, C…) can be applied to nominal order (1, 2, 3..) so that A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, etc. For each test tube, when measuring the final volume, rinse out the graduated cylinder before measuring the next test tube.
1) Which test tube had the greatest final volume? Answer A, B, C, D, E, or F 2) Which test tube yielded the lightest color? 1) Answer A, B, C, D, E, or F 3) Construct a model of your colored test tubes in the test tube rack below. Note: your drawing should resemble the sample below. YOUR COLORS SHOULD BE DIFFERENT Write the question and answers
1) Since the lab is titled “Rainbow Lab”, you should have gotten the main colors of the rainbow. What six colors are these? 2) Explain how your colors could have been different from a rainbow. Hint: Explain any errors 3) How could mis-reading the liquid level affect your results? Hint: Use the term ‘meniscus’ 4) If these colored liquids were biohazardous, what steps would you follow if you spilled some on yourself or the counter? Write the question and answers