Welcome to Unit 2 Again, WELCOME. You all made it to your second week. Congratulations! Are there any questions from Unit 1 you need clarification on before we begin with Unit 2? Please summarize in your own words at least one thing you learned from Unit 1. Instructor overview on Unit 1 discussion. 1
Discussion grading rubrics Students are to post a minimum of three posts per discussion thread. One initial response to the class question and two replies to their classmates. Posting on a minimum of three different days, for example: Wednesday, Friday and Monday. The first initial response to the discussion question must be made by Saturday. Quality (40%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: All assigned discussion questions were answered completely Posts were on topic and unique in content All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic (referred to class readings and additional outside class information) Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria: Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days The original post to be no less than 100 words Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: Posts were organized and logical No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly (reference class reading) Professional & Netiquette (10%) in your post will be measured on the following criteria: Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors Appropriate language Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms 2
Manage your time and stress Unit 2 – CS113 Reading: Listen to Kali Reading: Time Management Overview: Managing your time and stress Discussion: Evaluate your time management Assignment: Create a Calendar Brent Seminar Case Study 3
Unit 2 Objectives Plan, organize, and prioritize your school- related activities by assessing your time management skills and by setting goals. Understand what causes stress, how time and stress management are connected, and what you can do to manage stress effectively. 4
General Questions 5
To-do-list for Unit 2 Read the Unit Overview On the Overview Page Complete the Reading On the Reading Page (Online or PDF) Respond to the Discussion 50 Points On the Discussion Board Attend the Weekly Seminar Log in from Student's Home page Complete the Assignment 60 Points On the Assignment Page 6
Can you name a key factor in effective time management? 7
Time Management Tips What tips or suggestions can you give each other to complete the weekly class criteria? 8
How can one differentiate between urgency and importance on a to-do list? 9
What Stress Management Tips or suggestions can you give each other? 10
How do you find more time? 11
What is an example of positive stress? 12
What is your most productive time of the day? Why? Do class work on that productive time schedule. 13
What is stress and what causes it? 14
What are some of your stress relievers when feeling overwhelmed? 15
KSTAICHVKOY Here is a stress reducer: The last name of a famous composer is scrambled above. Can you figure out who it is? The class music lovers will probably guess this one quickly… 16
Reminder activity for a to-do list… I have a little "memory" activity that I learned to stay on track. If, for example, I remember that my class assignment is due in 3 days--I switch my watch to the opposite wrist. Then every time I glance at my wrist, I remember, I am suppose to do my class assignment. Since, wearing my watch on the "wrong" wrist feels odd for me, I usually attend to the assignment so I can put the watch back on the correct wrist. This type of activity also helps me with other non-class "memory" reminders (instead of the string around the finger). Try it sometime. It's not as crazy as it might sound. 17
Unit 2: Case Study of Brent 18
What are some of Brent’s sources of stress? 19
What is the connection between stress management and time management? 20
Why would a support system be good for Brent? 21
What is critical thinking? (More to come on Unit 4.) 22
What steps could Brent take to think critically and why is it important? 23
What stress reduction techniques might you suggest to Brent? 24
What long-term effects might Brent experience if he does not learn how to cope with the stressors in his life? 25
How can Brent become more effective at managing his time? 26
Sewing items (next seminar)… I am going to send you an for a sewing “puzzle” to solve for our next Seminar. It will help you “think-outside-the-box” and reduce stress. Do not discuss this exercise in Discussion area, wait until Seminar. I will also post the visual puzzle sewing items to our Document Sharing class tab next week. We will discuss your feedback in Seminar-Unit 3. Ask yourself: “Which sewing item/items in your opinion do not belong and why?” As a business student, I want you to start thinking differently. Think outside-the-box and consider alternative points of view in all things! We will discuss the answer in our third KHE Seminar. Be prepared! The eight items pictured in the file will be: a blue thread ripper, red thread, clear hanger, white needle-threader, white zipper, yellow thimble, gray buttons, and a clear dress maker’s ruler. Have your answer ready for next KHE Seminar! 27
Any General Questions? Seminar is coming to an end, soon. Let’s wrap-up the evening. 28
Seminar Concluded Good night. Have a great week! My office hours on AIM are 6:00PM EST to 7:00PM EST and 8:00PM EST to 9:00PM EST. My AIM ID is: DrDenhard. THE END… 29