J.P.Delahaye ACE 02-02-10 1 CLIC A dvisory C ommitte E (ACE) Introduction to the 5 th CLIC Advisory Committee meeting (02-04/02/10) CLIC progress.


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Presentation transcript:

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC A dvisory C ommitte E (ACE) Introduction to the 5 th CLIC Advisory Committee meeting (02-04/02/10) CLIC progress and perspectives Follow-up from last ACE meeting J.P.Delahaye for The Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) Study Team

J.P.Delahaye ACE Outline Welcome and organisation Reminder of mandate and previous meetings Follow-up of ACE’s recommendations Major highlights from last ACE meeting Plans towards CDR and beyond

J.P.Delahaye ACE Thanks to participants of previous meetings: M.Huening/DESY A.Mosnier/CEA P.Raimondi/ INFN T.Raubenheimer/SLAC (Chair) V.Shiltsev/FNAL T.Roser/BNL N.Toge/KEK Welcome the one who could not participate to previous meetings: T.Shintake/Riken L.Evans retiring Any organisational or administrative issues: Alexia (161220) Welcome

J.P.Delahaye ACE Specific to this ACE meeting The 5th ACE meeting will focus on the technical progress towards the CDR design and the status of the R&D program needed to demonstrate CLIC feasibility in support of the CDR. The ACE is asked to comment on: i)the layout and schedule for the CDR ii)the schedule of the CLIC feasibility demonstrations and timing of the CDR iii)the technical and/or design status of the following subjects drawn from the “list of CLIC critical issues”: 1) RF structures (MB + DB) 2) DB + MB generation (phase, intensity, energy stability) 3) Two Beam Acceleration 4) Generation of ultra low emittances 5) Preservation of ultra low emittances, highest luminosity

J.P.Delahaye ACE Organisation This room reserved for the Committee up to Thursday night Coffee breaks here (Committee and Speakers) Lunches in CERN Main Cafeteria (tickets provided to Committee) Dinner to-morrow in Glass Box (Main Cafeteria): (Committee and Speakers) Report on ACE’s findings and recommendations by ACE chairman to: CLIC team on Feb 04 pm CLIC/CTF3 collaboration Board on Feb 05 am

J.P.Delahaye ACE ACE5 agenda (to update) (organised by H.Schmickler) Update on CLIC design (D.Schulte&G.Geschonke) next Review of R&D status and plans critical of each critical issues (all presentations) CLIC feasibility summary (JPD) CDR organisation & schedule (H.Schmickler) Other issues raised by Committee at ACE4 as well as overall progress of CLIC study : Subject of this presentation

J.P.Delahaye ACE th ACE meeting (02-04/09/08) Specific Mandate: Focused on progress and plans for critical R&D supporting the CDR and beyond The Committee is invited to review, assess and comment on these plans. In specific, the committee is asked to evaluate: a prioritized list of the most relevant CLIC technical issues and their classification by feasibility, performance and cost impact. the R&D status and plans to address the critical issues the R&D program and the schedule to complete a CLIC Feasibility Demonstration as well as a Conceptual Design Report A first proposal of technical objectives and planning for the Technical Design Phase in the years ACE report : R eport not (yet?) available Recommendations to CLIC team: Presentation Tor to CLIC/CTF3 collaboration Board:

J.P.Delahaye ACE ACE4 on Feasibility Issues Committee felt that this is an excellent list Extensive detail behind each topics providing greater detail of feasibility demonstration for 2010 and future studies in early TDR period ( ) CTC list did not prioritize between programs –Believe that this may be necessary

J.P.Delahaye ACE ACE4 comments on CDR Committee agrees that most feasibility issues are addressed Concerned that a large task to complete by 2010 Focus on CLIC-specific items as much as possible Consider CDR / feasibility schedule carefully Plan to engage international community in extended workshop post-CDR All issues addressed till 03/02 pm: CDR schedule and organisation: H.Schmickler CLIC feasibility summary: JPD 1 H00 discussion on feasibility benchmark and expected level of accomplishment by end 2010

J.P.Delahaye ACE ACE4 recommendations RF Structures and PETS (02/02 am) Aggressive structure program Establish CERN manufacturing facility at early TDR PETS HOM benchmark studies DB+MB Generation & CTF3: (02/02 pm) Injector issues and stability … Combined operation of delay loop and combiner ring Two beam Acceleration & CTF3 (02/02 pm) TBTS high priority for key two beam acceleration demonstration Increased effort for experimental program Develop schedule & priorities

J.P.Delahaye ACE ACE4 recommendations Generation & preservation low emittances (03/02) Significant extrapolations Too much to do: priorities? Subsystems issues (Inj., DR, RTML, ML, BDS) Stabilisation Beam feedbacks Collaborations Extend further collaborations world-wide – CERN / KEK / SLAC high gradient collaboration – Growing important CLIC - ILC GDE collaboration Requires careful management to maintain focus Mobilize the CTF3 collaboration for increased participation in operating the test facility and in CDR

J.P.Delahaye ACE ACE4 comments on TDR-Phase Initial thoughts were presented on post-CDR program Possible for a strong CERN program (3 ~ 4x present) Consideration of pre-construction demonstrations Very hard to demonstrate CLIC ‘rf unit’ – ~700 meters of TBA linac Challenging to even demonstrate CLIC drive beam hardware and beam dynamics – 100 A and 240 ns drive beam Must balance between completing broad design and demonstrating near-final drive beam linac hardware Ongoing discussion that should engage international community pre- and post-CDR

J.P.Delahaye ACE Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland) IAP (Russia) IAP NASU (Ukraine) INFN / LNF (Italy) Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (Spain) IRFU / Saclay (France) Jefferson Lab (USA) John Adams Institute (UK) PSI (Switzerland) RAL (UK) RRCAT / Indore (India) SLAC (USA) Thrace University (Greece) Tsinghua University (China) University of Oslo (Norway) Uppsala University (Sweden) Aarhus University (Denmark) Ankara University (Turkey) Argonne National Laboratory (USA) Athens University (Greece) BINP (Russia) CERN CIEMAT (Spain) Cockcroft Institute (UK) Gazi Universities (Turkey) JINR (Russia) Karlsruhe University (Germany) KEK (Japan) LAL / Orsay (France) LAPP / ESIA (France) NCP (Pakistan) North-West. Univ. Illinois (USA) Patras University (Greece) Polytech. University of Catalonia (Spain) World-wide CLIC&CTF3 Collaboration 34 Institutes from 19 countries

J.P.Delahaye ACE Extending CLIC /ILC Collaboration Common working groups on technical subjects with strong synergy between CLIC & ILC (co-chaired): Physics & Detectors Beam Delivery System (BDS) & Machine Detector Interface (MDI) Civil Engineering & Conventional Facilities Positron Generation Damping Rings Beam Dynamics Cost & Schedule Following meeting of CLIC/ILC/CERN managements (12/06/09): Statement of common intent Joint Working Groups on Linear Collider General Issues (Accelerator & Detectors) LC2010 ECFA workshop CERN) Joint CLIC & ILC (Accelerator and Detectors)

J.P.Delahaye ACE

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC / ILC Joint Working Group on General Accelerator issues ILCSC has approved formation of two CLIC/ILC General Issues working groups by the two parties (one on Accelerators and one on Detectors) with the following mandate: Promoting the Linear Collider Identifying synergies to enable the design concepts of ILC and CLIC to be prepared efficiently Discussing detailed plans for the ILC and CLIC efforts, in order to identify common issues regarding siting, technical issues and project planning. Discussing issues that will be part of each project implementation plan Identifying points of comparison between the two approaches. The conclusions of the working group will be reported to the ILCSC and CLIC Collaboration Board with a goal to producing a joint document. Members: CLIC: P.Lebrun (co-chair), K.Peach, D.Schulte ILC: M.Harrison (co-chair), E.Elsen, K.Yokoya

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC Organisational Chart CLIC/CTF3 Collab. Board K.Peach/JAI CLIC Steering Committee J.P.Delahaye CLIC Design & Accelerator J.P.Delahaye Beam Physics D.Schulte Structure development W.Wuensch Technical design H.Schmickler Cost & Schedule P.Lebrun CTF3 project G.Geschonke/R.Corsini Technical Design Phase R.Corsini LCD Physics & Detectors L.Linssen Physics & Detectors meeting Conceptual Design Report Editorial Board: H.Schmickler CLIC meeting G.Geschonke CLIC Advisory Committee T.Raubenheimer/SLAC Collab. Board Chairman Accelerator Experts Detector&Physics experts ILC representative ILC GDE ILC Detectors Representatives of Collaborating Institutes (including CERN) ILCSC

J.P.Delahaye ACE Successful CLIC 09 workshop Participants: 247 (registered) from 78 Inst. of 22 countries Bulgaria: Acad. of Science China: Tsinghua University Finland: Helsinki Univ, HIP France: CEA/IRFU, Ecole Norm Sup, LLR-Ecole Polyt, IN2P3/LAL, IPNL, LAPP, LPHNE, UPMC Germany: Bonn Univ.,DESY, Karlsruhe Univ, MaxPlanck Inst. Greece: NTU Athens India: BARC-RRCAT, Italy: INFN/LNF, Florence, Genova, Lecce Japan: KEK, Shinshu Univ, Tokohu Univ Kenya: Jomom Kenyatta Univ Netherland: NIKHEF Norway: Univ of Oslo Pakistan: NCP Russia: BINP, IAP, ITEP, JINR Romania: IFIN-HH Spain: CIEMAT, IFIC, Catalonia Univ. Sweden: Uppsala Univ. Switzerland: ADAM, EPFL, ETH- Zurich, Lulea Univ Techn, PSI Turkey: Abant I B Univ, Ankara Univ, Dumlupinar Univ, TAEA, Uludag Univ United-Kingdom: ASTeC, Birmingham Univ., Cambridge Univ, Cockcroft Inst., Daresbury Lab, JAI, Lancaster Univ, Manchester Univ., Oxford Univ, RAL, RHUL, STFC, Univ College London United-States: ANL, BNL, Caltech, Cornell Univ., Euclid Techlabs, FNAL, Iowa State Univ, LBNL, LLNL, Minesota Univ, Ohmega-P, Oregon Univ, SLAC, Yale Univ Vietnam: Hanoi Univ

J.P.Delahaye ACE Towards CLIC Conceptual Design Demonstrate feasibility of CLIC technology Address all feasibility issues Design of a linear Collider based on CLIC technology CLIC Physics study and detector development: Estimation of its cost (capital investment & operation) Conceptual Design Report (CDR) by end 2010 including Physics, Accelerator and Detectors R&D on critical issues and results of feasibility study, Preliminary performance and cost estimation L.Linssen LCD project Not covered All ACE5 Summary JPD G.Geschonke next H.Schmickler 03/02 pm P.Lebrun Not covered

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC design update Driven by Physics requests: Document in preparation (end Feb) by Physics (L.Linssen + int Cttee) to clarify the Physics requests in the Multi-TeV range as update of the similar document provided at 500 GeV by R.Heuer Cttee in Energy scan of a 3 TeV machine over some(?) energy range with reasonable luminosity ……? Feedback from Beam Dynamics, Technical and Cost Working Groups Iteration process for best trade off between performance, risk, technical feasibility and cost Relaxed parameters: Compatible with achieved injector beam parameters in existing facilities Provide flavor of luminosity range and parameters sensitivity D.Schulte next G.Geschonke next

J.P.Delahaye ACE ILC Physics Goals (ICFA- ILCSC parameters study) E cm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity  ∫ Ldt = 500 fb -1 in 4 years Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV Energy stability and precision below 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV Being updated for a Multi-TeV Linear Collider

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC Parameters Range 1rst phase: Initial operation 500 GeV relaxed parameters 2nd phase: 500 GeV luminosity upgrade 500 GeV nominal parameters 3rd phase: 0.5 to 3 TeV energy upgrade 3 TeV relaxed parameters 4th phase: 3 TeV luminosity upgrade 3 TeV nominal parameters

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC main parameters Center-of-mass energyCLIC 500 GeVCLIC 3 TeV Beam parametersRelaxedNominalRelaxedNominal Accelerating structure502G Total (Peak 1%) luminosity8.8(5.8) · (1.4) · (3.5) · (2.0) · Repetition rate (Hz)50 Loaded accel. gradient MV/m80100 Main linac RF frequency GHz12 Bunch charge Bunch separation (ns)0.5 Beam pulse duration (ns) Beam power/beam MWatts4.914 Hor./vert. norm. emitt(10 -6 /10 -9 )7.5/404.8/257.5/400.66/20 Hor/Vert FF focusing (mm)4/0.44 / 0.1 4/0.44 / 0.1 Hor./vert. IP beam size (nm)248 / / /3.340 / 1 Hadronic events/crossing at IP Coherent pairs at IP BDS length (km) Total site length km Wall plug to beam transfert eff7.5%6.8% Total power consumption MW

J.P.Delahaye ACE LC 500 GeV Main parameters Center-of-mass energyNLC 500 GeV ILC 500 GeV CLIC 500 G Relaxed CLIC 500 G Nominal Total (Peak 1%) luminosity2.0(1.3) · (1.5) · (0.6) · (1.4) · Repetition rate (Hz) Loaded accel. gradient MV/m Main linac RF frequency GHz (SC)12 Bunch charge Bunch separation ns Beam pulse duration (ns) Beam power/linac (MWatts) Hor./vert. norm. emitt (10 -6 /10 -9 )3.6/4010/407.5 / / 25 Hor/Vert FF focusing (mm)8/0.1120/0.44/0.44/0.1 Bunch length (microns) Hor./vert. IP beam size (nm)243/3640/ / / 2.3 Soft Hadronic event at IP Coherent pairs/crossing at IP10? BDS length (km)3.5 (1 TeV)2.23 (1 TeV)1.87 Total site length (km) Wall plug to beam transfer eff.7.1%9.4%7.5% Total power consumption MW

J.P.Delahaye ACE Beam emittances at Damping Ring Relaxed parameters

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC critical issues R&D strategy and schedule Overall list of critical issues (Risk Register) under: Issues classified in three categories: CLIC design and technology feasibility Fully addressed by 2010 by specific R&D with results in Conceptual Design Report (CDR) with Preliminary Performance & Cost Performance and/or Cost Both being addressed now by specific R&D to be completed before 2016 with results in Technical Design Report (TDR) with Consolidated Performance & Cost For each feasibility issue, R&D program and objectives defined: Advisory CommitteE (ACE) on June

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC Feasibility Issues Two Beam Acceleration: Drive beam generation Beam Driven RF power generation Two Beam Module RF Structures: Accelerating Structures (CAS) Power Production Structures (PETS) Ultra low beam emittance and beam sizes Emittance preservation during generation, acceleration and focusing Alignment and stabilisation Detector Adaptation to short interval between bunches Adaptation to large background at high beam collision energy Operation and Machine Protection System (MPS) CLIC specific CLIC ILC Common Issues CLIC more challenging requirements

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC Feasibility Issues

J.P.Delahaye ACE Conceptual Design Report Contribution/Authors by CLIC collaborators volumes: similar to ILC CDR: Vol1: Executive Summary Vol2: The CLIC accelerator and site facilities Vol3: The CLIC physics and detectors including detailed value Estimate specific contribution in vol. 2&3; summary in vol. 1. Editorial Board for Volume 2: H.Schmickler (chair), N.Phinney/SLAC, N.Toge/KEK, Outline with Abstract and suggested main author distributed Presentation and discussion at Collaboration Board (05/02/10) Vol 3 under responsibility of LCD project (L.Linssen)

J.P.Delahaye ACE CDR tentative schedule endorsed by CERN management (15/01/10) Inform authors after workshop Review baseline in special CLIC meeting 2011 Q1Q2 Draft CDR SPC? Draft CDR Detector Cost peer review Final CDR

J.P.Delahaye ACE Linear Colliders tentative schedule endorsed by ILC GDE/EC and CERN Directorate CDR TDP1TDP2 CDR Intermediate TD TDR Physics requests based on LHC results? Linear Collider assessment based on technology maturity, performance, cost and risks? CLIC cost peer review (ILC experts)? CERN Council decision CLIC Technical Design

J.P.Delahaye ACE Next CLIC TDR phase (pending Council decision in June 2011) TDR task force chaired by R.Corsini Advisory Committee (May09): Draft report on INDICO:

J.P.Delahaye ACE TDR content

J.P.Delahaye ACE TDR Task Force Strategy Don’t think in term of a single facility Start from needs and not from (potentially) available budget / resources Begin with list of activities and feasibility / critical items Determine where we will likely stand in Define a logical extension of R&D for each activity in the short term ( ) - when needed - setting clear goals. Try to define additional R&D needed to arrive at a TDR in 2015 for each activity & identify schedule critical items.

J.P.Delahaye ACE Project Implementation Plan (PIP) to be added with extra resources in the period 2014 to CTF3 TBTS operationinst.1-2 structures, beam loading, breakdown kick CTF3 TBL operationinst. Deceleration 8 PETS final decelerator test (16 PETS, 50%) Modules lab initial tests, installation 2 modules further tests, installation 4 modulestestingpre-series production, industrialization Modules CTF3 1 module inst. testing 1 module 3 modules inst.testing 3 modules > upgrades? CTF3 phase feedbackdesign, hardware testsinstallationtesting CTF3 TBL+ installationcommissio-ningRF testing, potential upgrades CLIC DB injector & linacdesign & hardware constructioninstallationcommissioningstaged upgrade & testing RF structures construction precision metrology, fabr. procedures up to 40 structures built, establish precision machining at CERN or elsewhere, 5  m tolerances achievedmore than 200 structures built, final cost optimization, pre-series with industry RF test infrastructure CERN test stand inst. CERN test stand testing and upgrades (at least two slots) continue testing with increased capabilities, CERN or elsewhere, up to 10 slotstesting, up to 200 accelerating structures plus PETS and RF components Prototypes of critical componentstechnical choices, designconstruction, hardware tests finalization, performance & cost optimization, industrialization for large scale components TDR major activities

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC CERN MTP resources CERN/2796 (June 2009) The CLIC enhancement program aims to provide proof of feasibility by In the event of a positive outcome of the feasibility study, the increase of resources from 2011 onwards will allow for the preparation of a technical design report. MTP09 Launch of new project on Linear Collider Detector R&D with add. resources (L.Linssen)

J.P.Delahaye ACE TDR needed CERN resources versus MTP09 assuming 1/3 of resources provided by ext collaborations

J.P.Delahaye ACE Preparation of MTP 10 ( ) for approval by CERN council in June 2010 Work program (51 work packages) approved as draft by CERN sector and Directorate on January 12-15, 2010 Discussion with CERN Departments and Groups about work packages under group responsibility and necessary (M&P) resources in preparation for Medium Term Plan document MTP10 to be presented at CERN council in June 2010 Discussion at CLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board on February 5 about possible work packages under Collaborating Institute responsibility with additional (M&P) resources.

J.P.Delahaye ACE CLIC program towards CDR 2010 resources (CERN and Collaborations) compatible with completion of work program towards a draft CDR (accelerator) end 2010 and a final CDR (including detectors) by June 2011 The Concept of a Multi-TeV Linear Collider based on CLIC technology is mature enough to be described in CDR. All accelerator feasibility issues are being addressed A large part of them are or will be demonstrated by the time. A few of them (stability,…) still need some time to be fully addressed with an R&D program well under way (final results by 2012) and for which preliminary and promising results are already available. The CDR will include the R&D status, available results and remaining program to fully address CLIC technology feasibility issues in preparation for the development of a CLIC Technical Design (pending Council approval) with technology optimisation and industrialisation in parallel with R&D completion Still to be reviewed (peer review Nov 2010) if and when cost figures should be included ACE’s (wise) comments and advices appreciated