Evaluating Clinical Laboratory Publications and Websites Jonathan Chang Trade Magazines Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Websites
Trade Magazine Microbe Title: Sugar-Coating Bacteria with Lipopolysaccharides - Score = 1: The title is vague but interesting. The phrase “Sugar-Coating” can imply multiple connotations. Is the article about attaching sugars to bacteria, or is it about reducing pathogenicity in bacteria with liposaccharides? Author: Andrew C. McCandlish and Thomas J. Silhavy - Score = 2: Short biography tells readers that the authors have Ph.D.s. Content: Lipopolysaccharide synthesis - Score = 2: Writing is easy to understand. Clearly defines known mechanisms as well as unknown mechanisms. Descriptive diagrams.
Trade Magazine Microbe (continued) Credibility - Score = 1: While credentials were given, figures and diagrams were not cited. Suggested readings were provided, however, many were published by the same author. References - Score = 0: No references listed. Conclusion: I need to find other sources to verify information presented in this article.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Science Title: CD14, A Receptor for Complexes of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and LPS Binding Protein - Score = 2: Title is understandable and concise. Abstract - Score = 2: Provides further information which supports the title. Defines key terms. Suggests implications of the research. Introduction - Score = 2: Various molecules are defined and discussed. The researchers seek to discover potential functions of these molecules through their interactions as complexes.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Science (continued) Discussion - Score = 2: Authors clearly state results and their significance. They conclude that CD14 receptors bind complexes which help remove gram-negative pathogens during infection. Acknowledgments - Score = 2: Authors thank individuals who edited the manuscript and contributors of grants. Conclusion: The information is credible and there are many references supplied for additional reading.
Website 1 html html Author/Owner: Shashank Nakate/Buzzle.com - Score = 2: Buzzle.com is a network of content providers who compile general information on a variety of topics. Information about Buzzle was accessible. Objective - Score = 2: Buzzle’s objective is to educate and inform. Content - Score = 1: General information is provided. Many technical terms are not defined and someone without a background in biology would not understand. Credibility -Score = 1: The author claims to hold a degree in agriculture, but there is no way to verify this. The website does not specialize in biology related information. References - Score = 0: No references were listed. Conclusion: The credibility of this source is questionable. Information presented here needs to be verified by a credible source.
Website Author/Owner: Many authors/Jimmy Wales/Wikimedia Foundation - Score = 2: Wikipedia is publicly written by internet volunteers. Jimmy Wales created Wikipedia, a registered trademark of the not-for-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Objective - Score = 2: Wikipedia intends to educate the general public and encourage knowledgeable authors to write articles. Content - Score = 2: Information was well presented and clearly written. Key terms were all defined. Someone without a biology background could read this and understand it. Credibility - Score = 1: Credibility depends solely on the public authors who write and edit the website. References include peer-reviewed journal articles. Diagrams are cited. References - Score = 2: References listed include peer-reviewed journal articles. Conclusion: The site was well organized and informative. Since Wikipedia is publicly written, the supplied references will need to be reviewed to confirm the validity of the content.