Public Member on your PCN Board Goal: By April 1, 2015 Primary Care Network Boards will strive towards including at least one Public Director. November 2014
Why a Public Board Member? Community participation is an integral component of the patient centered health home model A non-clinical, community–based Board member should bring additional governance competencies to your Board and may bring specific skill-sets if required (e.g., legal, financial advice) November 2014
Why a Public Board Member? Public Director will enhance the diversity and provide new perspectives to a NPC Board. November 2014
Competencies of Governance (Modified from the Accountability Group, Lyn McDonnell) November 2014
Where would a Public Board member sit within the existing PCN Governance structure? Model One: Recognizing that two governance models exist for PCNs, it is recommended that the Public Board member would sit within the Physician NPC in Model One and the NPC Joint Physician-AHS Board in Model Two. November 2014
Where would a Public Board member sit within the existing PCN Governance structure? Model Two: In order to ensure a Public Board member would not carry the balance of power in Model Two (where the model would suggest an equal number of physician, AHS and public Directors) one process for consideration would be to require a minimum of one vote from each of the respective parties. This would mean that in order for any vote to be carried there would need to be broad levels of support across all Directors. November 2014
Helpful Hints Advertising is key for transparency and openness Selection is not to be completed at the AGM but through the Boards Nomination Committee Seek assistance through the AMA workbook and through AMA staff resources November 2014
Possible Board Motion Be it resolved that by MONTH YEAR the XYZ Primary Care Network Board will recruit and appoint one voting non-clinical community-based Director with a Term of 1, 2 or 3 (confirm which) years. November 2014
Next Steps 1.Instruct Nomination Committee to commence the selection process 2.Advertise for Applicants 3.Interview and Select 4.Orientation November 2014
AMA Resources Adding a Public Member to your PCN Board: A Workbook with Tools for Recruitment, Selection and Orientation Other Resources Board Development: Board Building – Recruiting and Developing Effective Board Members for Not- for-Profit Organizations. A Self-Guided Workbook. The Muttart Foundation, revised 2008 November 2014
Public Member on your PCN Board Developed by Practice Management Program Alberta Medical Association, November, 2014 For more information please contact: C. Grant Sorochan Director, Practice Management Program, AMA Direct: Toll Free: For technical assistance with PCN branding, job postings and application forms, please contact November 2014