Real vs. Pop Psychology
Ways of Knowing Non-Empirical Empirical Authority Logic Intuition/Common Sense Scientific Method
Authority Ask someone who should know about the area: Ask the Surgeon General about smoking Ask Dr. Laura about relationships Ask Dean Ornish about diet However, for every “authority” who says to do it one way, you have another “authority” who says you’d be an idiot to do it that way.
Logic Logical premises make it possible for deduction to be reached. This is a fine place to start, but not enough to base fact upon. If testable, the logical method sets a foundation upon which to build hypotheses. These, however, should still be subjected to empirical testing.
Intuition/Common Sense Our intuition and common sense are based upon our experiences and learning history as well as an innate programming. While common sense may help us get through our day and avoid many pitfalls, it does not provide the basis of developing new knowledge.
The Scientific Method Empirical: Direct systematized observations Objective: Unbiased, critical, doubting Self-Correcting: Because it is objective, new data are easily introduced and theories revised Progressive: True science advances theory Tentative: Questions are never presumed to be completely answered Parsimonious: Establishes the most concise explanation
Assumptions of the Scientific Method Reality: Assume a non-existential view that the world exists Rationality: The world operates on reasoned principles Regularity: The principles that govern the world remain consistent Discoverability: There are answers that remain to be uncovered Causality: Every event has it’s cause
How do you operate on a Scientific Level? What do you do that plays the odds? Driving fast Getting an education Going for regular physical exams Restricting your intake of eggs
How do you operate on a Non-Scientific Level? What do you do that has no scientific merit behind it? Superstitions Getting yourself upset because someone else “should” have done something making attributions or judgements about others
Mental Health Practitioners Clinical Psychologist Psychiatrist Psychiatric Nurse Clinical Social Worker Masters Level Counselor Alcohol and Drug Counselor Marriage and Family Therapist Clinical Pastoral Counselor